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59 Cards in this Set

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A reference group is a group consisting soley of members that strongly influences a person's behavior and social attitudes.
_______________ leadership is goal - or task oriented
Weber believed that the workers would eventually overthrow the capitalist economic system
In contemporary socieites, the crinimal justic system, which includes the police, prisons, is the primary mechanism of internal social control
The value of all a person's or family's economic assets, including incomem, personal propetry, and income-producing property is referred to as
Three major styles of leadership exist in groups. Which of the following is NOT one of them.

A. Authoritarian
B. Democratic
C. Laissez-Faire
D. Socialistic
A person may shoplift an item of clothing from a department store but not be apprehended or labeled as deviant. However ,the person may decide to forgo such behavior in the future. This example illustrates what stage of deviance?
Primary stage
According to Robert Merton's strain theory _______ refers to when people give up societal goals but still adhere to the socially approved means of achieving them.
The _____ system is a type of stratification based on the ownership and control of resources and on the type of work people do.
Conventional (street) crimes include burgulary, motor vehicle theft, larceny theft and arson
The __________ theory of deviance states that deviant behavior occurs when a person weighs the costs and benefits of nonconventional or criminal behavior and determines that the benefits will outweigh the risks involved in such actions.
Rational choice
Sociologist Robert Park coined the term ______________ to refer to persons who simultaneously share the life and traditions of two distinct groups. It is the state of being part insider and part outsider in the social structure.
Social Marginality
Groups are an important component of social structure. A _________ group consists of two or more people who interact frequently and share a common idenity and a feeling of interdependence.
In a ___________, marriage is endogaous, meaning that people are allowed to marry only within their own group.
Gender, race, and class relations are closely intertwined with _________ authority
The process whereby others idenity a person as posessing a specific characteristic or exhibiting a certain pattern or behavior is referred to as
In _______ monarchies, the roualty service as symbolic rulers or heads of state while actual authority is held by elected offical in the national parliaments.
_____________ are large companies that are headquartered in one country but sell and produce goods and services in many countries.
Transnational corporations
In ________________ systems, inheritancce of property and positon usually is traced from maternal uncle to his newphew and in some cases mothers may pass on their property to daughters.
As a result of divorce and remarriage complex family relationships are often created. Some people become part of __________ families, which consist of a husband, wife, children from previous marriages and children (if any) from the new marriage
In 2010 the Obama administration issued ___________ in an effort to reauthorization the elementary and secondary education
"A blueprint for reform"
Few societies have residential patterns known as __________ residence, which refers to the custom of a married couple living in the same household as the wife's parents.
People have a greater tendency to accept authority s legitimate if they are ____________ dependent on those who hold power
Economically or politically
Based on census beureau data, the people who are most likely to cohabit are
Under the age of 45
The pluralist model is roote din a _____________ perspectiv which assumes that people share a consensus or central concerns, such as freedom and protection from harm, and that the governemnt serves importnat functions no other institution can fulfill.
Unequal funding can be a source of inequality in school because
of the small proportion of school funding that comes from the federal governemtn, most funds are earmarked for speical programs that specifically target disadvantaged students or studnets with disabilities.
A nation-state is a unit of political organization tha thas recognizable national boundaries and whose citizens possess specific legal rights and obligation. They emerge as countries devleop specific geographic territories and acquire greater ability to defend their borders.
Based on symbolic interactionist theory, job satisfaction refers to peoples attitudes toward their work. All of the following are factors EXCEPT
1. Their job responsibilities.
2. The organizational structure in which they work.
3. Their individual needs and values.
4. The level of anomie.
THe level of anomie
Through a pattern of marriage, divorce, and remarriage, some people practice _____________ a succession of marriages in which a person has several spouses overal a lifetime but is legally married to only one person at a time.
Serial monogamy
The flamboyant display of symbols of wealth are examples of.
Conspicuous consumption
At the microlevel _______________ is a social characteristic of those most likely to get divorced.
A high school education or less
_____________ is the subdiscipline of sociology that attempts to describe and explain patterns of family life and varation in family structure
Sociology of family
Scholar ___________ focused on crowd psychology and developed the contagion theory
Gustave Le Bon
_____________ is voluntary, often spontaneous activity that is engaged in by a large number of people and typically violates dominant group norms and values
Collective behavior
Emigration is the movement of people out of a geographic area.
To make medicine in the US more scientific the ________ commissioned an official study of medical education
Cernegie Foundation.
________________ theory emphasizes the importance of social norms in shaping crowd behavior
Emergent norm
_______________ crowds are so intensely focused on a specific purpose or object that they may erupt into violent or destructive behavior
Scholar who argued that "The power of population is infinitely greater than the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man.
Thomas Malthus
Overcoming desire can be accomplished through the eightfold path to nirvana. This path is a way of living that avoids extrmes of indulgence and suggest that a person can live in the world but not be worldly. This principal is part of the four noble truth practiced in __________ Buddhism
Healing practices inconsistent with dominant medical prctice taking a holistic approach to health is known as
Alternative medicine
___________ theory looks at a diverse array of collective acctions and the manner in which those actions are based in politics, ideology, and culture. IT also incorporates factor of identity, including race, class, gender, and sexuality as sources of collective actions and social movements.
New social movement
Symbolic interactionists argue that "unevent development" the tendency of some neighbborhoods, cities, or regions to grow and prosper whereas other stagnate and decline - reflects inequalities of wealth and power in society.
In the _______ stage of a social movement, people eing to organize and to publicize the problem. At this stage, some movement become formally organized at local and regional levels.
__________ is a category of people who have been singled out as infferior or superior often on the basis of real or alleged physical characteristics.
According to symbolic interactionists, the disengagement theory occurs when older people make a normal and health adjustment to aging when they detach themselves from their social roles.
_____________ Poverty would be measured by comparing the actual income against the income earner's expectation and perceptions.
A small group of white students deface a professo'rs office with rafcist epithets, however their actions are not supported by other students or members of the faculty. According to Joe Feagin, these students behavior illustrated ___________ discrimination
Small Group
In sports, calling a player of color a deogatory name, participating in racist chanting during a sportin event and writing racist graffiti in a team's locker room are all forms of ________ racism.
The caste perspective views racial and ethnic inequality as a permanent feature of U.S society. The caste system was strengthened by ___________ laws, which prohibited sexual intercourse or marriage between persons of different races.
__________ assimilation occurs when membbers of one group marry those of other social or ethnic groups.
Cultural (acculturation(
The killing of thousands of Native Americans by white settlers in NOrth America and the extermination of six million European Jews by Nazi Germany illustrates a policy called
Ethnic cleansing
From a sociological perspective _____________ is a negative attitude based on faulty generalization about members of selected racial and ethnic groups.
In the _______________ hypothesis, symbolic interactionists point out that when people from divergent groups are exposed to each other, favorable attitudes and behavior develop when certain factors present.
The human capital model is rooted in the premise that _______________
Individuals are evaluated based on their human capital in an open, competitive market.
A variation of activity theory is the concept of ___________- that people are constantly attempting to maintain their self esteem and lifelong priciples and practices and that they simply adjust to the feedback from the neesds of other as they grow older.
Acording to the text, three factors are important in determining the gendered division of labor in a society. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

1. Tye type of subsistence base
2. The proportation of females within the power structure
3. THe supply of and demand for labor
4. The extent to which women's childbearing acitivity are compatible with certain types of work.
______________ is the coexistence of distinct racial and ethnic groups within one society
Ethnic pluralism
Four stages of economic development. The first stage is the _____________ in which very little social change takes place, and people do not think much about changien their current circumstances.