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35 Cards in this Set

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What are the three important parts of the definition of sociology?
Scientific study, human social behavior, regularly recurring patterns.
What application did Auguste Comte come up with? What did he 'term'? Did he or did he not want sociology for social reform?
Positivism, termed sociology, and yes for social reform.
What principle was Herbert Spencer known for?
Social Darwinism.
Karl Marx?
Conflict theory.
What were the two factors that contributed to development of sociology?
1.) Industrialization/Industrial Revolution
2.) Rise of scientific method.
What did Comte argue about the scientific method?
That it could be sued to study social issues.
What two parts did Comte divide sociology into?
Social statics = large-scale, relatively stable patterns of behavior.
Social dynamics = study of causes and consequences of social change.
Harriet Martineau did what?
Translated Comte's works into English and wrote on inequality.
Emile Durkheim focused on suicide studies and defined what term?
Social integration.
Weber = ?
What is basic/pure sociology?
Research for purpose of making sociological discoveries.
Applied psychology?
Used to solve problems.
Emile Durkheim said pre-industrial societies based on what?
Mechanical solidarity = low degree of division of labor, homogeneous population, strongly shared values.
Emile Durkheim said industrial societies are based on what?
Organic solidarity = high degree of division of labor, heterogeneous population, less strongly shared values, social cohesion is based on interdependence.
1850's-1920's represented what in sociology?
reform/activism orientation.
"Pure" science or creation of knowledge orientation (apply scientific method).
Applied sociology (objective in research, then when something found it can be applied).
Explain a structural/functional society.
Interrelated subsystems, individual is passive part of society, and there is stability.
Explain symbolic interaction society.
Society is set of relationships, individual is active part of society, and there is change.
Explain conflict theory.
Constantly changed set of coalitions, individual is passive when acting alone but active when participating in groups, conflict.
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?
the language people use determines their perceptions of the world, but innovation is possible.
Two parts of socialization?
acquiring a personality &
learning the values necessary for participation in society.
Charles Horton Cooley discussed social interaction and that it is absolutely necessary for development of a self concept, therefore terming what term?
Looking glass self.
George Herbert Mead thinks interaction is necessary for development of self concept and likes which sociological school of theory (symbolic, functional, conflict)?
Symbolic communication is what makes social interaction possible.
Learning to take the role of the other.
Sigmund Freud parts of the self?
Id = basic biological drives
Ego = reality principle, negotiates compromises between the Id and SuperEgo = internalized values and norms of the society.
Roll stress = ?
Anxiety resulting from the individual's social roles.
Role conflict = ?
role stress resulting from contradictory role expectations attached to different roles held by the individual.
Role strain = ?
role stress resulting from contradictory role expectations attached to the same role.
Ferdinand Toennies distinguished two types of groups that predominate which are Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. What do these two mean?
Gemeinschaft = primary group relationships predominate.
Gesellschaft = most relationships are secondary.
Goffman and Dramaturgy means what?
Study of social interaction as though it were a play being presented on stage.
What did Harry and Margaret Harlow's experiments with rhesus monkeys show about importance of early learning?
That babies do not naturally develop into social adults.
What does Paul Ekman say?
We all experience six basic emotions and that we show facial expressions for these emotions.
Goldberg and Lewis conclude what about mothers/daughters and fathers/sons?
That there are different gender messages in each.
Our self is...?
What do ethnomethodologists explore?
Background assumptions, taken-for-granted ideas about the world that underlie our behavior, unstated.