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35 Cards in this Set

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Name the parts

18 parts , 2 with 3 subs

Cervical nerves are numbers


Thoracic nerves (1-12) are numbers


Lumbar nerves (L1-L5) are nerve numbers


Sacral nerves(S1-S5) are nerves


How many coccygeal nerves are there? And what section of nerves are they located under

1, sacral nerves

Origin in the CNS of Parasympathetic nerves (5)

Brain stem nuclei of oculomotor nerves (III), facial nerves (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), and Vagus (X). Spinal cord segments S2-S4.

Location of Parasympathetic ganglia

Close to target organ or within the wall of the target organ.

Parasympathetic nerves have ________ preganglionic axons and ________ postganglionic axons (long or short).

Long, short

Only ____________ have white or gray rami communicantes


The preganglionic axons of the Parasympathetic nervous system are __________ (extensive or minimally) branched


The nerves of the Parasympathetic nervous system function in what ways (3)

Rest and digests, maintenance, stores/conservaes energy.

Both preganglionis and postanglionic nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system release

Acetylcholine (ACh)

The effects of the Parasympathetic nerves are ___________ and __________.

specific, local

Origin in the CNS of the sympathetic nerves

Lateral horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord from T1 to L2

Location of sympathetic nerves (2)

Along side vertebral or anterior to vertebral column.

Sympathetic nerves have _______ preganglionic axons and ________ postganglionic axons (long or short)

Short, long

Each white ramus communicans of the parasympathetic nervous system contains____________ preganglionic axons and each gray ramus communicans contains ___________ postganglionic axons

Myelinated, nonmyelinated.

The preganglionic axons of the Sympathetic NS are ________ (minimally or extensively) branched


Functional role of sympathetic nerves (3)

Fight or flight, prepares for emergencies, prepares for physical activity

The postganglionic neurotransmitters of the sympathetic NS release _________ while the preganglionic neurotransmitters release ___________

Norepinephrine, ACh.

The effect of the sympathetic NS are more __________ and _________

general, widespread

5 components of reflex arcs

Receptor, sensory neuron, integration center, motor neuron, effector

The component of a reflex arc that is the site of the stimulus


The component of a reflex arc thattransmitts afferent (to) impulses to the CNS

Sensory neuron

The component of a reflex arc that consists of one or more neurons in the CNS

Integration center

The component of a reflex arc that conducts efferent (away from) impulses from the integration center to an effector organ.

Motor neuron

The component of a reflex arc that is a muscle fiber or gland cell that responds to efderent impulses by contracting or secreting respectively.


When tapping then patella, what muscles contract? What neurons carry afferent impulses and which neurons carry the efferent impulses? (3)

Vastuses, sensory neurons, motor neurons

Distractions___________ the patellar reflex. Fatigue _________ the patellar reflex. (Increase or decrease.


Types of reflexes you need to know (4)

Patellar stretch reflex, plantar reflex, pupillary reflex, and Ciliospinal

In a normal plantar reflex causes to toes to (2)

Flex and move closer together

The pupils get ______ in dimmer light (larger or smaller). This is referred to as the ________ reflex

Larger, pupillary.

Learned reflexes have ______ (longer or shorter) responses than intrinsic relfexes because more complex neurological activity is taking place.


When the ciliospinal reflex is stimulated it only initiates a response from the pupils on the ________ (same or opposite) side. This shows that the sympathetic innervation of thr irises is not heavily ______.

Same, integrated.