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27 Cards in this Set

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When was the Boer war?
What other name is this war known by?
The Second Boer War
Who were the Boers?
Descendants of Dutch Settlers - Afrikanas
What were the two independant republics governed by the Boers?
The Transvaal and the Orange Free State.
Who was the Prime Minister during the Boer war?
Salisbury - head of Conservatives
Who was the other main political party and who led them?
Liberals - Gladstone (old liberal)
Who was Commander in Chief during the war?
Lord Roberts
Who was colonial secretary?
Joseph Chamberlain
Who was the President of the Transvaal?
Paul Kruger
How did he contribue to the cause of the war?
he wanted to extend his country's boundaries. Kruger began to buy armaments from Germany and there were rumours that he was planning to take over the whole of South Africa. Rhodes (PM of Cape Colony) decided on direct intervention.
What were the views of the Conservatives and who did they appeal to?
Didn't want change, very traditional - status quo, were pro-Empire/imperialism.
Appealed to rich people - upper class, upper-middle class.
What were the views of the Liberals and who did they appeal to?
Reformists - believe in change, want equality. Support the working class.
Which town was relieved in May 1900?
Mafeking - caused wild celebrations because everything had been going badly.
When was the Khaki election?
Who won and what did it propose?
Conservatives (people voted for them because things were going well in the war - patriotism)Fought on issue of war. Uniform was changed to Khaki before the war.
What name was given to the dirty tactics that the British used during the war?
Guerilla Warfare
What did the British use to try and drive out the boers?
Scorched Earth Policy - Setting fire to land.
What else did the British do to the Boer civillians?
Put them in Concentration camps (women and children) Not to be killed but some died unintentionally of diesease and starvation).
What did this do to public opinion?
War was characterised badly by the public at the end of the war. This led to less people supporting Conservatives.
What was imperialism?
supporting the empire, believing that the British were superior. This idea was supported by the middle and upper classes.
How were working class people won over?
Propoganda that promoted the Empire e.g. schol textbooks, music hall songs, newspapers, posters.
Why was the war a turning point for the Liberals?
Because it split the liberals in two - Old Liberals who were imperialists vs New liberals who were anti-Boer war - David Lloyd-George.
Who won the election in 1906 and why?
Liberals - Henry Campbell Bannerman. He supported new liberals views to get votes. Conservatives were blamed for military incompetence.
What was a political consequence of the Boer war?
NATIONAL EFFICIENCY!!! = improving lives of the working class.
What were the social consequences of the war?
What were the reforms and why were they put in place?
- 1906 Education Act = Free school meals for needy children. Children will join troops in the future =healthier w/class population.
- 1907 Education Act = medical inspections in school. Also allowed for medical treatments. Promotes healthier children.
- 1911 National Insurance Act = supported sick and unemployed.
What were the Haldane reforms?
Army reforms:
- training improvements = training of senior officers improved significantly.
- health inspections became more important
- Lee Enfield rifles replaced the Fuse 106.
- old drill books were replaced