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adv: presumably


Used to say what you think is the likely situation:

e.g. Presumably he just forgot to send the letter.

e.g. My mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house.

على نحوٍ مُحتمل

adj: abundant


Existing in large quantities:

e.g. An abundant supply of food.

e.g. I spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death.

وفير، غزير

adv: veritably /ˈver.ə.t̬ə.bli/

Used to emphasize the great degree of something:

e.g. The internet has veritably transformed the way we communicate, learn, and work.

e.g. "Never!" almost screamed the man, who seemed veritably demented.

بشكل حقيقي وفعلي



N: prospect


The possibility that something might happen in the future:

e.g. Business groups are unhappy about the prospect of a tax increase.

احتمالية او امكانية حدوث شيء ما



The fact of being able to compete successfully with other companies, countries, organizations, etc.:

e.g. It is not true there is a crisis in the country's scientific or technological competitiveness.

القدرة على التنافس

irrational. /ɪˈræʃ.ən.əl/

Not using reason or clear thinking:

e.g. It's totally irrational, but I'm frightened of mice.

e.g. His parents were worried by his increasingly irrational behaviour.

غير منطقي أو لا عقلاني

glance. /ɡlæns/

To look somewhere for a short time:

e.g. He glanced at his watch.

e.g. Each time someone discussed anticancer diets or snorting ground-up shark fin or whatever, he'd glance over at me and sigh ever so slightly.

يلمح او نظرة خاطفة

exhale. /eksˈheɪl/

To send air out of your lungs:

e.g. Exhale slowly through your nose.

e.g. I'd shake my head microscopically and exhale in response.


symptom. /ˈsɪmp·təm/

A physical feeling or problem that shows that you have a particular illness:

e.g. A sleeping problem is often a symptom of some other illness.

e.g. One of the symptoms of depression is disinterest in activities.


passivity. /pæˈsɪv·ə·t̬i/

The quality or state of being passive:

e.g. Television is a passivity.

سلبية ، لا فعالية

adj: cylindrical. /səˈlɪn·drɪ·kəl/

Having the shape of a cylinder:




Someone you have met, but do not know well:

e.g. He’s a business acquaintance.

احد المعارف



Used when you are agreeing that something is true, although you do not want to:

e.g. Admittedly, I could have tried harder.

مِما لا يمكن إنكاره

fiddle. /ˈfɪd·əl/

To change something dishonestly in order to get money:

e.g. She was fired for fiddling her travel expenses.


dwarf. /dwɔrf/

If something dwarfs other things, it is very big and makes them seem small.

e.g. The hotel is dwarfed by skyscrapers.

e.g. He dwarfed the molded plastic elementary school chair he was sitting in.


myriad. /ˈmɪr.i.əd/

A very large number of something:

e.g. A myriad of choices.

e.g. And now myriads of bars and hotels are opening up along the coast.

e.g. He looked my age, maybe a year older, and he sat with his tailbone against the edge of the chair, his posture aggressively poor, on hand half in a pocket of dark jeans. I looked away, suddenly conscious of my myriad insufficiencies.

لا تُعَد ولا تُحصى



The fact of not being enough:

e.g. Sometimes we blame all our problems on an insufficiency of money.

e.g. I looked away, suddenly conscious of my myriad insufficiencies.

وجه القصور

relentlessly. /rɪˈlent.ləs.li/

In an extreme way that continues without stopping:

e.g. She has campaigned relentlessly for her husband's release from prison.

بلا هوادة

assault. /əˈsɔlt/

To attack someone:

e.g. A shopkeeper was assaulted.

An attack: [noun]

e.g. There was an assault on a police officer.



monopoly. /məˈnɑː.pəl.i/

An organization or group that has) complete control of something, especially an area of business, so that others have no share:

e.g. The government is determined to protect its tobacco monopoly.

e.g. Is Microsoft a monopoly?

e.g. The drafting of a new constitution cannot be a monopoly of the white minority regime (= other people should do it too).

e.g. He does not have a/the monopoly on (= he is not the only one who has) good looks.


staring contest

A game in which two people maintain eye contact for as long as possible, the loser being the one who is the first to blink or look away.

مسابقة التحديق


هز كتفيه

brag. /bræɡ/

To talk too proudly about something good that you have done or that you own:

e.g. He’s always bragging about how much money he earns.

يَتَفاخَر / يَتَباهى









encompass /ɪnˈkʌm.pəs/

To include different types of things:

e.g. The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.



الكائنات الحية

his gait was crooked

كانت مشيته معوَّجه

deign /deɪn/

To do something unwillingly and in a way that shows that you think you are too important to do it:

e.g. If she deigns to reply to my letter, I'll be extremely surprised.

e.g. I feel so fortunate that an intellectual giant like yourself would deign to operate on me.


ensue. /ɪnˈsuː/

To happen after something else, especially as a result of it:

e.g. The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.

e.g. I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence". A brief awkward silence ensued.

تلا ذلك










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