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111 Cards in this Set

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In tooth development, the interacation between 2 different tissues, the oral epithelial cells and the mesenchymal cells, begins the
- initiation stage of tooth development
the two tissues that interact to begin the initiation stage of tooth development are the
- Oral epithelial cells and the mesenchymal cells
The stages of tooth development are
- Initiation
- Bud
- Cap
- Bell
Inner Enamel Epithelium (IEE) differentiate into _______
ameloblasts are
- enamel forming cells
Outer Enamel Epithelium (OEE) function to
organize a network of capillaries that will bring nutrition to the ameloblasts
Outer Enamel Epithelium (OEE) are
outer cuboidal cells of the Enamel Organ (EO) that cover the Enamel Organ (EO) as a protective mechanism
The inner layer of the rooth sheath forms from the ______ or _______ in the crown and ________ is produced. In the root these cells induce __________ of the dental papilla to differentiate to form ___________.
- inner enamel epithelium (IEE)
- ameloblasts
- enamel
- ondontoblasts
- dentin
This area produces new cells needed for root lengthening
Pulp proliferation zone
Encircles the apical opening of the dental pulp during root development. It is the proliferation of these cells that causes root growth to occur
Epithelial diaphram
Structure most responsible for root formation
cervical loop
Root development occurs _______ crown completely shaped and after root forms it promotes _________.
- after
- eruption
Complex pit and groove patterns on occlusal surface of permanent posterior teeth can make them susceptible to caries due to
- increased bacterial plaque biofilm retention
-weakness of enamel forming walls of pits/grooves
Root dentin formation occurs upon differentiation induction of outer cells of dental papilla in root area & become _________
- odontoblasts
After disintegration of rooth sheath, its cells may become
Epithelial rests of Malassez (ERM)
Upon dentin formation completion, a portion of basement membrane disintegrates as does the entire
Hertwigs Epithelial Root Sheath (HERS)
after odontoblastic differentiation in root area, these cells undergo _______ and begin to secrete _________.
- dentinogenesis
- predentin
As in crown, __________ is located between IEE or sheath and odontoblasts in root area
basement membrane
Accounts for root enamel absence
lack of stellate reticulum
Cementoblasts move to cover root dentin area & undergo _______, laying down ________ (matrix)
- cementogenesis
- cementoid
many cementoblasts become entrapped by ________ becoming mature ___________
- cementum
- cementocytes
When crown is completed, the cells in this region of the enamel organ continue to grow forming a double layer of cells termed the ___________ or _________
- epithelial root sheath
- Hertwigs epithelial root sheath (HERS)
_______ stage - laying down of dentin
_______ stage - calcification
- Apposition
- Maturation
5 stages of amelogenesis
- morphogenesis
- organization & differentiation
- secretion
- Maturation
- Protection
Amelogenesis begins the
enamel process. Ameloblasts begin to deposit enamel after a few micrometers of dentin have been deposited to the CEJ
Odontoblastic process counterpart
Tomes' process
With enamel matrix in contact with the predentin, mineralization of disintegrating membrane now occurs forming the
Enamel matrix secreted from here
Tomes' process
Tapered portion of each ameloblast that faces disentegrating basement membrane
Tomes' process
Apposition of enamel matrix
Odontoblasts leave attached cellular extensions in length called ______
Odontoblastic process
Mesenchymal cells form the
dental papilla, which becomes dentin & pulp
Dental papilla becomes
dentin & pulp
Oral epithelial cells form/become
the enamel organ (EO) and remain attached to dental lamina
Teeth develop from ____ types of cells: ________ cells & _______ cells
- 2
- Oral epithelial
- mesenchymal
Enamel develops from the
enamel organ (EO)
Dentin forms from the
Dental papilla
Oral Epithelium (OE) is derived from the
In addition to Oral Epithelium (OE) cells & mesenchymal cells, the _________ cells also contribute to tooth development
neural crest
Ectomesenchyme is derived from
**these cells are deep to OE
1st sign of tooth formation is _______ & this happens around week _______
- dental lamina
- 7
_____________ seperates OE & ectomesenchyme
Basement membrane
__________ cells also function in the development of the salivary glands, bone, cartilage, nerves and muscles of face
neural crest
20 areas of enlargement appear on the leading edge of lamina and form _________ for the 20 _________ teeth.
- tooth buds
- primary
Permanent molars form from the ______ lamina. They develop _________ the primary dentition.
- general
- behind
Tissue surrounding enamel organ (EO) & the dental papilla
Dental sac or dental follicle
Weeks ____ - primary dentiton; Week _____-initiation for permanent anterior dentition
- 9-10
_______ - permanent dentition formed after primary predecessors
_______ - no primary predecessors
- Succedaneous
- Non-succedaneous
Succedaneous teeth include _________; eruption may be ______ to primary predecessors roots if not fully shed/lost.
- anterior teeth & premolars
- lingual
Non-succedaneous teeth included ___________.
Permanent molars
Dentin forming cells
_____________ always precedes _____________
- Dentinogenesis
After EO (enamel organ) is differentiated, ____________ disintegrates by undergoing lysis.
Dental lamina
Cells of the dental papilla are found on close examination to be __________ & appear to be in a delicate reticulum.
Central cells of the dental papilla
Pulp primordium
Densely packed cells characterize the
Dental papilla
Odontoblast differentiate after IEE (Inner Enamel Epithelium) differentiate into ___________
Outer cells of dental papilla induced by __________ to differentiate into ___________
- ameloblasts
- odontoblasts
The leading edge of the lamina that continues to grow to develop the permanent teeth which succeed the 20 primary teeth.
Successional lamina
(Successional dental lamina)
4th layer in the enamel organ; adjacent to IEE (between stellate & IEE)
Stratum intermedium
cells interact through a system of effectors, modulators and receptors called
cell signaling
_______ changes result in formation of hard shell around central papilla which becomes known as pulp
a process where a process develops at the proximal ends of the cell adjacent to the DEJ & the cell gradually moves pulpward
initial formation of dentin at the cuspal tips and the vascularization of the pulp. The dental follicular cells are differentiating around the enamel organ and alveolar bone proper is beginning to define the dental crypt
The _______ matrix is first meshwork of collagen fibers, but within 24 hours becomes calcified. It is called ______ before calcification and ______ after calcification
- dentinal
- predentin
- dentin
begins the enamel process
________ begin the enamel process after a few micrometers of dentin have been deposited to DEJ
As the ameloblast differentiates the enamel matrix is synthesized within the ______ which then migrates to the ______ where it is condensed and packaged in membrane bound granules
- Golgi's apparatus
During the secretion phase of amelogenesis, short conical processes called _________ develop at the apical end of the ameloblasts
Tome's processes
Junctional complexes calle the ___________ appear at the junction of the cell bodies and Tome's process and maintain contact between adjacent cells
- Terminal bar apparatus
As amelogenesis proceeds, both of the cell layers are held together by cell junctional complexes termed
When ameloblasts begin secretion the overlying cells of stratum intermedium change shape from _____ to ______
- spindle
- pyramidal
_____ stage of amelogenesis occurs after enamel production is complete
As amelogenesis is completed, _______ is deposited and the matrix beings to mineralize
70% of mineral growth in enamel is a result of growth of the ________
During maturation process of amelogenesis, the protien of the enamel changes or matures and is termed
as the ameloblast completes the matrix deposition phase, it ________ disspears and the surface enamel becomes smooth
terminal bar apparatus
Substances needed for enamel production arrive via the blood vessels and pass thru the stellate reticulum to the stratum intermedium and ameloblasts. In this manner the protein _________ is produced
Closing of maturation stage in amelogenesis
protection stage
stage of amelogenesis characterized by plaque formation and attachment
protection stage
ameloblasts secrete basal lamina against enemal surface and establish
_________ is half of a demosome attachment of plaque; it relates to the attachment of a cell to a surface membrane
Ameloblasts protect the enamel from cellular influences of the
follicular connective tissue
The ameloblast shorten and contact the _________ and other enamel epithelium, which fuse together to form the reduced enamel epithelium
stratum intermedium
Final stage of tooth deveolpment
Stage of tooth development when things fully mineralize
In ________ stage of tooth development, Enamel, Dentin, cementum are secreted in successive layers
Crown formation: tooth development begins in _______ and proceeds to ______
- crown
- root
________ and _______ both undergo repolarization
_________ induce dental papilla cells to differentiate
_______ will differentiate into cells that secrete enamel matrix
________ differentiation is after IEE differentiate into ________
- odontoblasts
- preameloblasts
after differentiation of ondontoblasts from outer cells of dental papilla and their formation of predentin, basement membrane between preameloblasts and odontoblasts ___________
The _____ starts to form in place of basement membrane
The disintigration of the basement membrane allows the __________ to come into contact with newly formed _______ inducing preameloblast to differentiate into ________
- preameloblasts
- predentin
- ameloblasts
Enamel matrix is secreted from
Tome's process
After enamel apposition ceases in crown area of each primary or permanent tooth, ameloblasts place an _________ dental cuticle on new enamel surface
during active erruption, layers of enamel organ are compressed, forming
reduced enamel epithelium (REE)
REE apears as
a few layers of flattened cells overlying enamel surface
The coronal portion of fused epithelial tissue that peels back off the crown as it erupts and stays attached to neck of tooth later replaced by
junctional epithelium
creates seal between tissue and tooth surface
junctional epithelium
residue on newly erupted teeth that may leave extrinsic stains
Nasmyth's membrane
__________ is fused tissue of REE on OE as well as denticle cuticle placed by ameloblasts on new enamel surface
Nasmyth's membrane
As teeth develop, so does the
alveolar bone
__________ of the dental sace also begins to mineralize to form tooth sockets or alveoli of alveolar bone surrounding PDL
_________ forms the cortical plate which covers the mandible
Supporting bone
Alveolar bone proper line the tooth socket, sustained by supporting bone, which is composed of
both spongy and dense or compact bone
cells of the dentle follicle differentiate inot collagen forming cells of the ligament and form ________ which lay cemtenum on tooth roots
__________ from dental sac begins to form PDL adajacent to newly formed cementum
mesenchymal cells surrounding the teeth are known as the
dental follicle
some of the follicular cells, which lie immediately adjacent to the enamel organ, migrate during the cap and bell stages from the enamel organ peripherally into the follicle to develop the _________ and the ___________
the alveolar bone and the periodontal ligament