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129 Cards in this Set

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___, ____, ___, ____, and _____ are all taken into consideration while designing a road.


vehicle type

road grade (slope)

visual obstructions

stopping distance

Alignment is the ______ position of highway on the ground; it is also termed as ______.

center line, highway alignment

All the curves of roadway need a ______ for banking of the curve, to resist vehicles from slipping, allow all the vehicle to run at a uniform speed.

Super elevation

An emerging fifth objective called ______, which is defined as designing roads to foster broader community goals, including providing access to employment, schools, businesses, and residences, accommodating a variety of travel modes like walking, bicycling, transit, and automobiles, and minimizing fuel use, emissions, and environmental damage, is also impacted by geometric design.


For the drainage purpose of rainwater, the ________ is required. For concrete drain, 1 in 500 slopes is provided, and soil drain 1 in 200 slopes is required.

Minimum Gradient

Geometric roadway design can be broken into three main parts: _____, _____, and ______.

Alignment, Profile, Cross-section

Grades which are flatter than ___, then grade compensation is not needed.


Gradient has 4 types:

Ruling Gradient

Exceptional Gradient

Limiting Gradient

Minimum Gradient

Horizontal alignment is designed on some basic rules and regulations like ______. (6)

Driver's limitations

Curve Radius

Vehicle characteristics



Design Speed

It is also termed the designer gradient.

Ruling Gradient

Roads are created in accordance with _____ and _____.

design standards and norms

Ruling gradient depends on _______, ____, and _____.

terrain length, speed, power of the vehicle

The _____ is the vertical aspect of the road, including crest and sag curves, and the straight grade lines connecting them.


The ______ guides the good pass of the road through ______, which is the most economical and easy to construct.

Alignment, Wright Alignment

The ______ is rise and fall of the gradient with respect to the horizontal line


The ______ is the route of the road, defined as a series of horizontal tangents and curves.


The area of _______ known as ________ is focused on placing the actual components of the route in accordance with standards and limitations.

highway engineering, geometric design of roads

The fundamental goals of geometric design are to ________.

Maximize effectiveness and safety while limiting expenditures and harm to the environment

The ruling gradient in _____ terrain is difficult to provide.


There are mainly four types of horizontal curve observed, those are ______.

Simple Curve

Spiral Curve

Compound Curve

Reverse Curve

There are mainly two types of alignment:

Horizontal Alignment and Vertical Alignment

This type of gradient is a very exceptional gradient, and it’s a very steeper gradient. The length of this gradient should not less than 100 m.

Exceptional Gradient

This type of gradient is the maximum gradient which is provided in the highway.

Ruling Gradient

Vertical alignment of roadway consists of the following factors: _____, _____, and _____.

Gradient, Grade Compensation, Vertical Curve

When the horizontal curve lies in a vertical curve, then there is resistance created by a circular curve.

Grade Compensation

______ increases the adequate level of the user and secures the safety of the road user.

Horizontal Alignment

______ is defined as the height and depth in a vertical axis with respect to the horizontal axis, this height and depth, it creates a gradient and vertical curve.

Vertical Alignment

_______ also show drainage features, pavement structure and other items outside the category of geometric design.

Cross Section

________ is provided in shorter stretches on the highway.

Limiting Gradient

_________ are used in highway and street vertical alignment to provide a gradual change between two adjacent grade lines.

Vertical Curves

_________ are used in highway and street vertical alignment to provide a gradual change between two adjacent grade lines.

Vertical Curves

This type of curve is a vertical curve mainly used in the upward gradient.

Summit Curve

If the summit curve is a _____ in shape, then it’s considered as the best curve.


We provide the _______ when the gradient is downward.

valley curve

We provide the _______ when the gradient is downward.

valley curve

The _____ of a road consists of road slopes, called grades, connected by parabolic vertical curves.


__________ are used to provide a gradual change from one road slope to another, so that vehicles may smoothly navigate grade changes as they travel

Vertical curves

________ are those that have a tangent slope at the end of the curve that is higher than that of the beginning of the curve.

Sag vertical curves

________ are those that have a tangent slope at the end of the curve that is lower than that of the beginning of the curve

Crest vertical curves

_________ are curves which, when viewed from the side, are concave upwards. This includes vertical curves at valley bottoms, but it also includes locations where an uphill grade becomes steeper, or a downhill grade becomes less steep. The most important design criterion for these curves is headlight sight distance.

Sag vertical curves

___________ are curves which, when viewed from the side, are convex upwards. This includes vertical curves at hill crests, but it also includes locations where an uphill grade becomes less steep, or a downhill grade becomes steeper. The most important design criterion for these curves is stopping sight distance.

Crest vertical curves

The __________ of a roadway can be considered a representation of what one would see if an excavator dug a trench across a roadway, showing the number of lanes, their widths and cross slopes, as well as the presence or absence of shoulders, curbs, sidewalks, drains, ditches, and other roadway features.

cross section

The cross-sectional shape of a road surface, in particular in connection to its role in managing runoff, is called ________.


Pavement surface characteristics:



Light reflection


_____ between the wheel and the pavement surface is a crucial factor in the design of horizontal curves and thus the safe operating speed


The frictional force that develops between the wheel and the pavement is the load acting multiplied by a factor called the ________ and denoted as f.

coefficient of friction

Even if a road is constructed with high-quality pavers, it is possible to develop ______ due to pavement failures.


Unevenness affects the _____, ____, _____, ______, _____, and ______.

vehicle operating cost,


riding comfort,


fuel consumption

and wear and tear of tires.

________ is a device used to measure unevenness.

Bump Integrator

White roads have good visibility at night but caused glare during day time. Black roads have no glare during the day but have poor visibility at night. Concrete roads have better visibility and less glare.

Light Reflection

The pavement surface should be absolutely impermeable to prevent the seepage of water into the pavement layers. Further, both the geometry and texture of the pavement surface should help in draining out the water from the surface in less time.


_______ is the cross slope provided to raise the middle of the road surface in the transverse direction to drain of rainwater from the road surface.

Camber or cant

______ indicate the boundary between the carriageway and the shoulder or islands or footpaths.


The ______ or the _______ depends on the width of the traffic lane and the number of lanes.

width of the carriageway, width of the pavement

The width of a traffic lane depends on the _______ and the _______.

width of the vehicle, clearance

_______ improves operating speed and safety. The maximum permissible width of a vehicle is _____.

Side clearance, 2.44

The portion of the road beyond the carriageway (pavement) and on the roadway can be generally called _____

road margin

_______ are provided along the road edge and are intended for accommodation of stopped vehicles, serve as an emergency lane for vehicles and provide lateral support for base and surface courses. The ______ should be strong enough to bear the weight of a fully loaded truck even in wet conditions.

Shoulders, shoulder

It is desirable to have a width of _____ for the shoulders.

4.6 m

______ are provided in urban lanes for side parking. ______ is preferred because it is safe for the vehicles moving on the road.

Parking lanes, Parallel parking

The parking lane should have a minimum of _____ width in the case of parallel parking.

3.0 m

_______ are provided by recessing the kerbs for bus stops. They are provided so that they do not obstruct the movement of vehicles in the carriageway. They should be at least ______ away from the intersection

Bus bays, 75 meters

________ or _______ give access to access-controlled highways like freeways and expressways. They run parallel to the highway and will be usually isolated by a separator and access to the highway will be provided only at selected points. These roads are provided to avoid congestion in the expressways and also the speed of the traffic in those lanes is not reduced.

Service roads, frontage roads

_______ are provided in urban areas when the volume of cycle traffic is high. Minimum width of _____ is required, which may be increased by ______ for every additional track.

Cycle tracks, 2 meters, 1 meter

_______ are the exclusive right of way for pedestrians, especially in urban areas. They are provided for the safety of pedestrians when both pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic are high. The minimum width is _____ and may be increased based on the traffic.

Footpaths, 1.5 meters

_______ are provided at the edge of the shoulder usually when the road is on an embankment. They serve to prevent the vehicles from running off the embankment, especially when the height of the fill exceeds _____ meters.

Guard rails, 3

_________ is the sum of the widths of pavements or carriageways including separators and shoulders. This does not include the extra land information/cutting.

Width of formation or roadway width

__________ is the width of land acquired for the road, along its alignment. It should be adequate to accommodate all the cross-sectional elements of the highway and may reasonably provide for future development.

Right of way (ROW) or land width

To prevent ribbon development along highways, ___ and ___ may be provided.

control lines, building lines

A ________ is a line which represents the nearest limits of future uncontrolled building activity in relation to a road.

Control line

A ___ represents a line on either side of the road, between which and the road no building activity is permitted at all.

building line

______ direct, guide, and inform drivers by offering visual or tactile indicators.

Traffic control devices

Devices fall into four main categories:



road design and marking

barriers or channelizers

To be effective, a traffic control device should meet five basic requirements:

A. Fulfill a need; B. Command attention; C. Convey a clear, simple meaning; D. Command respect from road users; and E. Give adequate time for proper response.


It is recommended to follow the below principles in order to increase driver comprehension and understandability:

1. Spatial Compatibility

2. Conceptual Compatibility

3. Physical Representation

4. Frequency

5. Standardization

6. Singular Functionality

7. Visibility

Standard colors






Stop, yield, or do what is shown on the sign


Directions. Indicates where a place is from where you are.


Services for travelers. Direct you to places such as rest areas, tourist sites, fuel, hospitals, lodging, restaurants and etc.,


General warning.


Regulatory. Provides information regarding enforceable laws and ordinances.


These signs provide information about rules for traffics direction, lane use, turning, speed, parking and other special situations.


Indicates the maximum and minimum safe speed that is allowed.


These signs mark where you can go and where you can turn, and often use an arrow symbol.


A ___ means you must come to a full stop and wait until crossing vehicles and pedestrians have cleared before proceeding.


Means you must slow down and yield the right way to traffic in the intersection you are crossing.


You will see this sign at a roadway opening that you are not allowed to enter.


Are yellow with black lettering or symbols and most are diamond-shaped. These signs warn you to slow down and prepared to stop if necessary.


Watch out for people who might walk or run-in front of your vehicle.


Road ahead curves gradually. Be prepared for change in direction.


Approaching overpass will have a maximum height allowance, which is advised on the sign in either feet or meters.


Show directions and distances to various locations, or areas such as cities, museum, airports, and historical areas


Show the location of various services; such as rest areas, fuel stations, and restaurants.



_____comes to complete stop.

_____ Do not enter the intersection if you can stop safely. If you cannot stop safely, proceed through the intersection with caution.

_____ Go, but only when the intersection is clear.




_______, often known as ______, are components of the intelligence system for road users, which also includes road signs and signals. ______ guide drivers to where they should park their cars, warn them of impending dangers, and indicate where transport is permissible.

Pavement markings

road markings

Pavement markings

_________ designate lanes that travel in the same direction. These markings should be put on the pavement in the same direction of travel as two or more adjacent traffic lanes (unless required for reversible lanes).

White pavement lines

it requires drivers to stay in their lane and denotes the road’s shoulder.

Solid White Line

Drivers may switch lanes on the broken white line unless it is safe to do so.

Broken White Line

You are forbidden from overtaking over this line, but you may make left turns over it, provided the way is clear. Remember, however, that oncoming traffic still automatically has right of way.

Solid White Double Center Line

Routes are divided into opposite traffic lanes by pavement markings

yellow center line

A continuous yellow lane divider is where the bus driving lane is, beware of crossing over because only buses can use it. Private motor cars cannot enter at any time except when making a turn to an intersection or turning off properly. Some areas will designate this as bicycle lanes, or a solid white line on the roadside too.

Solid Yellow Line

Traffic in both directions was allowed to pass across the broken yellow lines with care. Vehicles are permitted to move through.

Broken Yellow Line

_____ are used to describe and outline pathways at signalized intersections and on approaches to traffic stops.

Crosswalk markings

A ______ is a special form of circular intersection with specific traffic management measures and is designed to maintain regulated speeds.


For roadway pavement markings, _____ can be added to or replaced. They can be retroreflective or non-retroreflective, with prismatic cube-corner reflectors being utilized for retroreflective features that are required.

raised pavement markings

________ must improve visibility in poor weather conditions, endure longer than markings, act as tactile alerts, and act as transverse rumble strips.

Raised pavement markers

Locations of Common No-Passing Zones: (5)

•Transitions from one lane to another

•There is a threat of obstruction (requisite passed on the right side)

•Crossings of grade

•Railroad-highway grade crossings •Locations with inadequate sight distance

Traffic passing in either direction is prohibited by _____ that run across the crossroads and centerline. Driving to the left of these lines is no longer an option.

Passing is prohibited in both directions by _____.

double solid yellow lines

double solid yellow lines

• Two lines (broken and solid) where vehicles can pass on the ____ but not on the ____ . If you’re near the solid line, don’t pass. • One normal broken line and one normal solid line form a double yellow line. Driving near the broken line is permitted to pass, whereas traffic adjacent to the solid line is prohibited.

Solid and broken yellow line or No-passing in One direction

broken line

solid line

Roadway edges are defined by ______. In bad weather and low visibility, these might be used as visual cues.

edge-line pavement markers

_____ lines can be used to delineate the left side of a roadway or to indicate limits to the left of these markings on split highways, one-way streets, or ramps.

The right-hand edge of the roadway can be defined by the ______.

_______ can be employed in places where higher precision is required.

Normal solid yellow

Normal solid white lines

Wide solid edge line marks

Vehicles are supposed to keep off an area filled with _____ and surrounded by solid white lines unless there is an emergency. When roads diverge or intersect, these areas are frequently used to help with traffic flow.

diagonal white lines

Longitudinal Pavement Markings (3)

1. White Pavement Markings

2. Yellow Pavement Markings

3. No-Passing Zones

• When approaching an intersection or a mid-block crossing, ______ are transversal pavement markings that guide drivers where and when to stop or yield. • These markings are often white lines perpendicular to the driving lane (stop lines, yield lines, crosswalks), as well as important markings (symbols, word markings, channelization markings, and so on). • _____, also known as _____ advise motorists where a yield is intended or required at an intersection or roundabout controlled by a yield sign.

stop and yield lines

Yield lines

“Give Way Lines,”

Pedestrians are directed to cross at _____ when convenient traffic control (such as traffic lights or adult school crossing guards) is either present or may be provided.


These closely spaced horizontal white lines not only give your car’s suspension a workout, but they also warn you of potential hazards ahead, such as dangerous turns or merging traffic

Rumble strips

To avoid traffic confusion, _____ are painted on the pavements or roadways to provide the appropriate direction to the driver, and they must follow these mandatory turns.

arrow markings

The arrow marking may have either ______

one or more than one direction

This box indicates the part of the intersection that must--by law--be kept open at all times.

Yellow box

________ are those that are written or painted in words, making them easy to understand and allowing the driver to respond accordingly. The message’s characters are elongated, making it visible to the driver from a lower angle.

Directional markings

The following are some directional markings:



Speed limit

Curve ahead

Exit only

School zone

• This marking guides vehicle parking by indicating parking space limits and restrictions to the driver. • It also restricts encroachment on designated areas such as bus stops, fire hydrant zones, and other such areas.

Facility Marking or Parking

______ are used to mark obstructions within, adjacent to or at the end of the roadway. It warns road users that they are approaching objects within and immediately adjacent to the pavement that constitute a hazard to passing traffic.


obstructions within the roadway A marker used to warn of an object in the roadway.


Obstructions adjacent to the roadway.

Used to mark an object, a roadside condition adjacent to the roadway, or delineate roadside constrictions of the clear zone such as drop offs, obstacles, abrupt changes in roadway alignment, etc.


obstructions adjacent to or within the roadway


stripes that begin at the upper left side and slope downward to the lower right side are designated as left object markers.


stripes that begin at the upper right side and slope downward to the lower left side are designated as right object markers.


– end-of-roadway markers Used to warn and alert road users of the end of a roadway in other than construction or maintenance areas. Also used in instances where there are no alternate vehicular paths.