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86 Cards in this Set

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Newsreel n1

a short film of news that was shown in cinemas in the past


The spotlight

the spotlight a lot of attention in newspapers, on television etc

Education is once again under the spotlight

A new report has turned the spotlight on the problem of poverty in the inner cities

a light with a very bright beam which can be directed at someone or something. Spotlights are often used to light a stage when actors or singers are performing:The yard was lit by three huge spotlights

Lurk v3 l3:rk

to wait somewhere secretly, especially because you are going to do sth bad or illegal

Why are you lurking around outside my house

when sth unpleasant or dangerous lurks, it is present but not in an obvious way

A crocodile was lurking just below thesurface.

to read a discussion in a chat room, etc. on the Internet, without taking part in it yourself

to read a discussion in a chat room, etc. on the Internet, without taking part in it yourself

Majestic me^d3estik adj

impressive because of size or beauty awe-inspiring, splendida majestic castle/river/view The Rockies are majestic in size



] a place where a river suddenly goes straight down over a cliff:The spray from the falls is so dense that you can hardly see.Niagara Falls

Sport v2

to be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way:Eric was sporting a new camelhair coat

to play together happily:the sight of dolphins sporting amidst the waves


an inhospitable place is difficult to live or stay in because the weather conditions are unpleasant or there is no shelter

an inhospitable climateHe trekked across some of the most

an inhospitable person does not welcome visitors in a friendly way

Beloved n/adj

N1.a person who is loved very much by sbIt was a gift from her beloved

loved very much by sb; very popular with sbthe deep purple flowers so beloved by artists She was beloved by all who knew her

loved very muchin memory of our dearly beloved son, John They were glad to be back in their belovedIreland

Dirigible dirid3e^be^l n1

an airship

able to be guided or steered

Prohibition n2 prohibishn

the act of saying that something is illegal

an order stopping something prohibition on/againsta prohibition on Sunday trading

Paddy n3

a field in which rice is grown

a state of being angry or in a bad mood

an offensive word for someone from Ireland. Do not use this word

Canine keinain adj

relating to dogs:

a dog

Veritable veritebel adj1

a word used to emphasize that sb/sth can be compared to sb/sth else that is more exciting, more impressive, etc

The meal that followed was a veritable banquet.

The area is a veritable paradise for those who love walking and swimming

Golly exca gali

used to express surprise.

Swell adj1 n/v

very good SYN great:You look swell

to become bigger or rounderHer arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her

the way the sea moves up and down:The sea wasn’t rough, but there was a heavy swell (=large movements of the water

Off n2/adj/adv/verb noun

the off the start of a race or a journey:The horses were in line, ready for the off

from the off from the beginning of something:She was doubtful about the interview from the off

Hurdle v1/n3

to jump over something while you are running:He hurdled the fence and ran off down the

Noun.a problem or difficulty that you must deal with before you can achieve something SYN obstacle:Finding enough money for the project was the first hurdle

Pike's peak


one of the rocky mountains in the US state of Colorado

a large freshwater fish with very sharp teeth

a pointed top of a hill in the north of England

Starboard n1

the side of a ship or aircraft that is on your right when you are facing forwards

Rudder ra^de^r n1

a piece of wood or metal at the back of a boat or an aircraft that is used for controlling its directionSee picture

Logbook n1

a document that records official details about a vehicle, especially a car, and its owner

Blimp n2

a small airship (=type of aircraft without wings)

American English spoken not polite an offensive word for a very fat person

Prune pru:n n1


a dried plum that is often eaten cookedstewed prunes

a small round juicy fruit which is dark red, purple, or yellow and has a single hard seed, or the tree that produces this fruit

a dark purple-red colour

Wilderness wildernrss n1

a large area of land that has never been developed or used for growing crops because it is difficult to live there

a place that people do not take care of or controlTheir garden is a wilderness of grass and weeds

in the ˈwildernessno longer in an important position, especially in politicsAfter three years in the wilderness she was given a government post

Porch n2

a small area at the entrance to a building, such as a house or a church, that is covered by a roof and often has wallsSee picture

Snipe n1 v2 noun

a bird with a very long thin beak that lives in wet areas

to shoot from a hidden position at people who are not protectedsnipe atsoldiers sniping at civilians

to criticize someone in a nasty waysnipe atHis former associates have been sniping at him in the press


Beady eye

beady eyes are small, round, and shiny – used especially about someone who you think looks dishonest or strange

have/keep your beady eye(s) on somebody/something especially British Englishto watch someone or something very carefully – used humorously

Gobble v3 ga:bl

to eat sth very fast, in a way that people consider rude or greedy wolf~ (sth) Don't gobble your food like that

when a turkeygobbles, it makes a noise in its throat

if a business company, etc. gobbles up a smaller one, it takes control of it

Infirm in'f3rm adj2

weak or ill for a long time, especially because you are old:Her grandmother is elderly and infirm

the infirm people who are weak or ill for a long time, especially because they are old:The hotel is on a hill, which is not ideal for the infirm.

Lure n/v lur

to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or to do sth by promising them a reward

The child was lured into a car but managed to escape

Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money

Burrow n1/v3 noun b3rou

a hole or tunnel in the ground made by animals such as rabbits for them to live in

to make a hole or a tunnel in the ground by digging

to press yourself close to sb or under sth

Summon v2

Court summon sa^men

to order sb to appear in court summonsHe was summoned to appear before the magistrates

sb to do sth (formal) to order sb to come to youIn May 1688 he was urgently summoned to London

to arrange an official meeting conveneto summon a meeting

Menace mene^s

a person or thing that causes, or may cause, serious damage, harm or danger

an atmosphere that makes you feel threatened or frighteneda sense/an air/a hint of menace in his voice

to be a possible danger to sth/sb threatenThe forests are being menaced by major development projects

Pant paent v2

to breathe quickly with short noisy breaths, for example because you have been running or because it is very hot:He came in panting after running up the steps.

to say something while you are panting:‘I can’t run any farther,’ she panted

Cumulonimbus kju:melou nimbes

a high mass of thick cloud with a flat base, often seen during thunderstorms

Cinch sints n2/v2 noun

something that is very easy:‘How was the exam?’ ‘Oh, it was a cinch!’be a cinch to do somethingThe program is a cinch to install

something that will definitely happen, or someone who will definitely do something

to pull a belt, strap etc tightly around something:a blue dress cinched at the waist by a wide belt

Configuration n2 ke^n

an arrangement of the parts of sth or a group of things; the form or shape that this arrangement produces

the configuration of pistons in an engine

l the combination of equipment needed to run a computer system

Accommodate deit v4

2. to provide enough space for sb/sthOver 70 minutes of music can be accommodated on one CD

to help sb by doing what they want obligeI have accommodated the press a great deal, giving numerous interviews

Hoist v2/n also hoist up

to raise, lift, or pull something up, especially using ropes:The crew hurried to hoist the flag

l to be harmed or embarrassed by the plans you had made to hurt other people – often used humorously

a piece of equipment used for lifting heavy objects with ropes → crane:a boat hoist

Weigh sb down

if something weighs you down, it is heavy and difficult to carry

if a problem weighs you down, it makes you feel worried and upsetbe weighed down by/with somethingHe felt weighed down by his responsibilities.a family weighed down with grief

Parade n pereid

a public celebration of a special day or event, usually with bands in the streets and decorated vehicles

a formal occasion when soldiers march or stand in lines so that they can be examined by their officers or other important people

Happen to do sth

if you happen to do something, you do it by chance:I happened to see James in town

Explorer ik'splo:rer n1

 example banka person who travels to unknown places in order to find out more about themEarly explorers traded directly with Native Americans for furs

Screech skri:ts v2/n1

N1.a loud high unpleasant cry or noisea screech of brakes/tyres She suddenly let out a screech

(of a vehicle) to make a loud high unpleasant noise as it movesThe car screeched to a halt outside the hospital. A police car screeched out of a side street

to make a loud high unpleasant sound; to say sth using this soundMonkeys were screeching in the trees

High pitched

(of sounds) very higha high-pitched voice/whistle

Vamoose v1 ve^mus

to leave quickly

Scram v1

usually used in orders)to go away quicklyScram! I don't want you here

Concentric adj1

having the same centreconcentric rings The revolving circle is concentric with the fixed outer circle.

Mole n4 moul

a small animal with dark grey fur, that is almost blind and digs tunnels under the ground to live in

a small dark brown mark on the skin, sometimes slightly higher than the skin around it

a person who works within an organization and secretly passes important information to another organization or country

) a unit for measuring the amount of substance

Stammer n2/v2

to speak with difficulty, repeating sounds or words and often stopping, before saying things correctly

a problem that sb has in speaking in which they repeat sounds or words or often pause before saying things correctly

Squirrel n1/v1

a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts

phrasal verbto keep something in a safe place to use laterSYN stash away:By December I had $300 squirreled away

Howling adj3

(of a storm, etc.) very violent, with strong windsa howling gale/storm/wind

very great or extremea howling success She flew into a howling rage

Howl n3/v4 haul

if a dog, wolf, or other animal howls, it makes a long loud sound → bark:The dogs howled all night

to make a long loud cry because you are unhappy, angry, or in pain, or because you are amused or excited

to shout or demand something angrily

to make a long loud cry because you are unhappy, angry, or in pain, or because you are amused or excited

Dentures dentse^z

artificial teeth on a thin piece of plastic (= a plate ), worn by sb who no longer has all their own teeth

Compadre kam'pa:drei

used as a friendly way of addressing sb

Rewarding adj1

making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are doing something useful or important, even if you do not earn much money→ satisfying, worthwhile:Teaching can be a very rewarding career

Toil n1/v2 n

hard unpleasant work that makes you very tireda life of hardship and toil

to move slowly and with difficulty slogThey toiled up the hill in the blazing sun

to work very hard and/or for a long time, usually doing hard physical work



to push or pull something somewhere in an irregular or unsteady way:Flora was bumping her bags down the steps

to move a radio or television programme to a different time:‘Married with Children’ will be bumped from Sundays to Saturdays

to move up and down as you move forward, especially in a vehicle:A police car bumped down the track

to push or pull something somewhere in an irregular or unsteady way:Flora was bumping her bags down the steps

Cunning n1/adj4/

the ability to achieve sth by tricking or cheating other people in a clever way

t took energy and cunning just to survive. She used low cunning (= dishonest behaviour) to get what she wanted

able to get what you want in a clever way, especially by tricking or cheating sb crafty, wilya cunning liar He was as cunning as a fox.2 clever and skilful

clever and skilful

Homely houmli

of a place) making you feel comfortable, as if you were in your own homeThe hotel has a lovely homely feel to it.

simple and goodhomely cooking

(of a woman) warm and friendly and enjoying the pleasures of home and family

Errand n1

a job that you do for sb that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy sth, deliver goods, etc

He often runs errands for his grandmother. Her boss sent her on an errand into town

Treat n/v noun tri:t

something very pleasant and enjoyable, especially sth that you give sb or do for them

We took the kids to the zoo as a special treat. You've never been to this area before? Then you're in for a real treat

a ˈtreat (BrE, informal) extremely well or goodHis idea worked a treat (= was successful

Flea fli: n1

a very small insect without wings that jumps and bites animals and people to eat their blood:Are you sure the dog has fleas

send somebody off with a flea in their earBritish English to talk angrily to someone, especially because they have done something you disapprove of

Croak n/v

the sound that a frog makes2a low rough sound made in a person’s or animal’s throat:The words came out as a dry croak

Darned adj



I’ll be darned! used when you are surprised about something:Did they really? I’ll be darned

Darn adj

used as a mild swear word, to emphasize sthWhy don't you switch the darn thing off and listen to me!

to repair a hole in a piece of clothing by sewing stitches across the hole

Oblige v3 e^'blaid3

to force sb to do sth, by law, because it is a duty, etcParents are obliged by law to send their children to school

to help sb by doing what they ask or what you know they want

Moor v1/n

to fasten a ship or boat to the land or to the bottom of the sea using ropes or an anchor:Two or three fishing boats were moored alongside the pier

a wild open area of high land, covered with rough grass or low bushes and heather, that is not farmed because the soil is not good enough:They went grouse shooting up on the moors.the Yorkshire moors

Cone koun

a solid or hollow object with a round flat base and sides that slope up to a point

a solid or hollow object that is shaped like a conea paper cone full of popcorn

the hard dry fruit of a pine or fir tree

Tortoise to:rtes

a slow-moving land animal that can pull its head and legs into the hard round shell that covers its body → turtle


connected with the US; in or towards the US (used when the person speaking is not in the US)When are you next planning a trip stateside

stateside newspapers


a feeling of great pleasure and satisfactionwith/in delightThe kids were screaming with delight

] something that makes you feel very happy or satisfiedthe delights of somethinga chance to sample the delights of nearby Vienna

to enjoy something very much, especially something you should not do

Sighting saitin n1

an occasion when sb sees sb/sth, especially sth unusual or sth that lasts for only a short time

a reported sighting of the Loch Ness monster This was the first sighting of the comet for 1 000 years

Labyrinth laebe^rinth

a complicated series of paths, which it is difficult to find your way through

We lost our way in the labyrinth of streets. (figurative) a labyrinth of rules and regulations

Smoke sb/sth out

to fill a place with smoke in order to force someone or something to come out:He smoked the bees out of their nest

Bandit n1

someone who robs people, especially one of a group of people who attack travellers:They travelled 30 miles through bandit country

Gaga adj2

) confused and not able to think clearly, especially because you are oldHe has gone completely gaga

slightly crazy because you are very excited about sb/sth, or very much in loveThe fans went totally gaga over the band

Surveyor se^r'veie^r


someone whose job is to examine the condition of a building, or to measure and record the details of an area of land

a person whose job is to examine and record the details of a piece of land

to ask a large number of people questions in order to find out their attitudes or opinions:Of the 100 companies surveyed, 10% had a turnover of £50 m to £99 m

Botany ba^te^ni

Botanist ba^te^nist

the scientific study of plants and their structure

Jubilee d3u:be^li n1

a special anniversary of an event, especially one that took place 25 or 50 years ago; the celebrations connected with it

Acorn eiko:n

the small brown nut of the oak tree, that grows in a base shaped like a cup

Lodge la^d3

The member of a branch

the members of a branch of a society such as the Freemasons; the building where they meet

a room at the main entrance to a building for the person whose job is to see who enters and leaves the building

a small house in the country where people stay when they want to take part in some types of outdoor sport

to make a formal statement about sth to a public organization or authority

Curb n2/v1 noun

Raised edge

the raised edge of a road, between where people can walk and cars can drive SYN kerb British English → pavement, sidewalk

an influence which helps to control or limit somethingcurb onWe are trying to keep a curb on their activities.

curb onWe are trying to keep a curb on their activities

Sight v1/n v

to see something from a long distance away, or see something you have been looking for:The sailors gave a shout of joy when they sighted land.Several rare birds have been sighted in the area

Target sighted

Above and beyond

call of duty

More than is required

More than is required. This somewhat redundant expression—above and beyond here both denote excess—often precedes the call of duty, which means exceeding what a particular job requires

Burn away

to disappear as a result of burning; to make sth do this

Half the candle had burnt away

if a fire burns down, it becomes weaker and has smaller flames

Hard- wearing

that lasts a long time and remains in good conditiona hard-wearing carpet I want shoes that are practical and hard-wearing.