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29 Cards in this Set

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Strict & Loose interpretations of the Constitution
Strict- Government has very limited power. Powers specifically granted to it by US

Loose: Government holds power thats not specifically denied by the constitution, greater power
Judiciary Act of 1789
Established Judicial courts of US
Hamilton's Economic Plan
The federal government would assume the debt of the states
"Allowed to do" this doctrine said the market place should not be regulated.
A system of government that believes govermnet should intervine as little as possible in the directio of economic affairs.
Bill of Rights
First ten amendments to the constitution listing the rights and freedoms of American citizens
Whiskey Rebellion
A revolt against federal excise on whiskey; suppressed by militia
Democratic- Republican Part
a political party opposed to the Federalist party, founded by Thomas Jefferson
Federalist Party
Favored strong central government
Alien & Sedition Acts
Allows president to deport or jail undesirable aliens. also set fines and jail for "false" scandalous or malicious statements against the group
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
Thomas Jefferson & James Madison saw alien & sedition acts as unconstitutional. Said it is right of the states to nullify laws the felt unconstitutional
President Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality
A statement saying that the US would support neither side of the conflict
Jay's Treaty
British had to evacuate their forts in America, and a joint commission was set up to settle border disputes.
Pinckney's Treaty
Gave upclaims to land east of mississppi, opened missippi river to US citizens, and allowed US traders to use part of New Orleans
President Washington's farewell address
said to beware of political parties, alliances, and sectionalism
XYZ Affair
US officials went to France to meet with French foreign minister. Instead they were met by lower ranking officials who bribed tem to meet with the foreign minister.
Midnight Judges
Judges that were appointed last minute by president
Election of 1880
Thomas Jefferson won, shift in political power
Marbury V. Madison
Created Judicial review
John Marshall
Was elected chief of justice supreme court
Louisiana Purchase
Purchased from the French, size of US doubled
Lewis and Clark
Were hired by the president to lead on expedition to explore the Louisana purchase
A Shawnee chief who took arms against American settlers moving into the Middle West, and supported the British in the War of 1812, in which he was killed.
Treaty of Greenville
Tribes gave up most of land in Ohio inexchange for 20000$ worth of goods and annual pay of 10000$
Convention of 1800
Meetings b/w US and France to settle disputes of French
Embargo Act
Placed against Britatin & France, stopped tradng w/them
War Hawks
Led by John Cahoun and Henry CLay, called for war against Britatin
War of 1812
War caushed by the British impressing American sailors and drafting them into the British Navy
Battle Of New Orleans
US won the battle, led by Andrew Jackson
Treaty of Ghent
Declared an armistice meaning the fighting ended