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25 Cards in this Set

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Pt w/ 1day localized small swelling along margin upper eyelid, feels pain, not on conjunctiva.
ML Dx?
Does not resolve after 48hr, next step?
External hordeolum or stye
-staphylococcus abscess eyelid
-Warm compresses
-after 48hr, I & D
5yo pt to ED w/ cat bite in arm, vitals WNL.
1. clean wound w/ betadine and lavage w/ saline
2. prescribe amoxicillin/clavulonate for 5 days (ppx against pasteurella multocida)
5yo pt bitten by cat 2 days ago. Now has considerable pain, erythema, swelling at bite site w/ fever and lymphadenopathy.
ML Dx?
Pasteurella infxn
Pt took 20 acetominophen, now in ED.
Sx of ingestion
1. w/in 4 hrs, give activated charcoal (decrease absorption)
2. at 4hrs, take acetaminophen blood level (since that is time used to predict hepatoxiticity)
3. If level hi, give N-Acetylcystein (effective w/in 8hrs of ingestion)
-nonspecific: naus/vom/anorexia -->hepatotxicity
Pt to ED in suicide attempt w/ confusion, appeared to suffer seizure, BP 70/40, pulse 40, RR 12, diffuse wheezing, cold/clammy extrems, AV block on EKG. No response to IV fluids and atropine.
ML Dx?
TMT Step?
Beta-blocker overdose (AV block, hypotension, wheezing, bradycardia)
1. IV fluids and Atropine (to reverse effects)
2. if fails, give glucagon (increase cAMP to increase intracellular Ca augmenting cardiac contractility)
Pt to ED in suicide attempt w/ RR 12, BP 120/70, blurred vision, fatigue, HA, abd pain, seeing "odd colors of world"
ML Dx?
Digoxin toxicity
-Dig specific antibody (Dig Fab)
(Stop Dig and KLAM=normalize K, lidocaine, anti-dig fab fragments, Magnesium)
What drugs can cause Hyperkalemia?
What are signs hi K?
TMT to acutely reduce a hi K?
What to do after tmt?
-ACEI, ARB, spironolactone, trimethoprim, pentamidine
-weakness (1st), flaccid paralysis, respiratory insufficiency, cardiac tox, sine wave on EKG, vfib
-Sodium polystyren sulfonate
-Review all current medications
Pt to ED w/ vomiting and abd pain. Given fluids and metoclopramide. Now has neck pain and stiff tender neck muscles.
ML dx?
Metoclopramide-induced dystonic rxn (dopamine receptor antagonist for naus/vom/gastroperesis)-->can cause all symptoms of typical antipsychotics (EPS, tardive dysk, acute dystonia, NMS)
-Benztropine, trihexyphenidyl, diphenhydramine
Depressed pt overdosed in suicide attempt, has febrile, low BP, seizures, EKG wide QRS (0.18sec), dry mouth, urinary retention
ML Dx?
What tmt does?
TCA overdose (has anticholinergic effects: dry mouth, hyperthermia, dilated pupils, ileus, QRS prolonged, ventr arrhythmia, seizure, hypOtension)
Sodium Bicarbonate
-alleviates cardio-depressant tca action by acting on sodium channels to narrow QRS complex
Boy w/ multiple vomiting, abd pain for 2hrs, coffee ground emesis, irritable, BP 80/50, extrem cold to touch, bicarb 18, abd imaging shows radioopaque tablets in stomach. IV fluids given.
ML Dx?
Iron poisoning (in prenatal vitamins)
-fluid resuscitation and IV deferoxamine (binds Fe allowing urinary excretion)
Sx of Iron intoxication?
Dx test
5 phases:
GI phase: 30min-6hr, direct mucosal damage->naus/vom/hematemesis/melena/abd pain
Latent Phase: 6-24hrs, nothing
Shock and met acidosis: 6-72hrs after
Hepatotoxicity: 12-96hr
Bowel obstruction 2/2 mucosal scarring: weeks after
-Dx w/ serum iron concentration
Farmer attempts suicide, has emesis over body, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, abd pain, polyuria, diarrhea, RR 12 w/ SOB
ML Dx?
TMT steps?
1. Atropine
2. decontaminate patient (remove clothing since absorbed through skin)
-Pralidoxime (acetylcholinesterase agonist) is antidote
-Physostigmine (acetylcholinesterase antagonist) is contraindicated
Findings in methanol poisoning?
Vision loss (optic disc hyperemia), anion gap met acidosis, osmolar gap
-fomepizole, dialysis if insufficient
What is best indicator severity of TCA intox?
Duration of QRS complex (tmt w/ sodium bicarb)
Difference opiate intox from benzo intox?
opiate intox has miosis and severe resp depression whereas benzo has neither (mild resp depression), but lots drowsy
Findings in phenytoin toxicity?
horizontal nystagmus, ataxia, confusion
Pt w/ hx schizophrenia managed, found outside asleep in winter morning w/ temp 34C (90F).
ML Dx?
Fluphenazine (injectible hi potency typical antipsychotic for poor compliance patient)
-causes hypothermia by disrupting thermoregulation and inhibiting body shivering mechanism. Tell pts avoid extreme temps
TMT for opioid withdrawal?
methadone replacement in emergency setting
Opiate intox has hypo or hypertension?
-from histamine release
Pt w/ bitter almond breath.
ML Dx?
Burning what?
Cyanide inhalation (sx similar to CO poisoning)
-burning rubber or plastic (not wood as in CO)
What conditions predispose to Torsades?
What is pathophys?
familial long QT syndrome, malnourished (from low mg) as in alcoholics, TCAs, amiodarone (class 3 antiarrythmic), sotalol (class III antiarrythmic), anti-infectives (moxifloxacin, fluconazole)
-Path due to increasing long QT from low mg
-give Mag Sulfate
Patient ingested Lye caustic agent.
Alkali or Acid?
TMT steps?
Alkali (NaOH)
1. vigorous IV hydration
2. endoscopy to assess for perforation
3. if perf suspected->gastrografin study
rotatory nystagmus=?
PCP intox
-benzo to treat agitation
Pt overdoses, confused, drowsy, ataxic, blurred vision, dry skin, dilated pupils, urinary retention, hx asthma, insomnia.
ML dx?
diphenhydramine intox (has antihistamine and anticholinergic effect)
-Physostigmine (cholinesterase inhibitor)
1yr old boy moved into old house, fingerstick w/ lead level 12 (normal <10).
Next step?
What if 50
Re-check w/ serum Lead level (since capillary fingerstick can have false positive)
-if confirmed, remove child from house
-if >45, chelation therapy w/ dimercaprol or succimer or EDTA
-if <20, recheck in 1 month after thorough hx and counseling.