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10 Cards in this Set

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The hotel is in the city centre, close to shops and local amenities.

houses that lack basic amenities

something that makes a place comfortable or easy to live in



damning evidence of her treachery

a damning report

proving or showing that someone has done something very bad or wrong


İngilizce - Türkçe



-e son derece karşı


{s} ezici


{s} tahrip edici

{s} şiddetle karşı çıkan

repute / reputation


a man of high repute

a hotel of some repute

Judge Kelso has a reputation for being strict but fair

In her last job she gained a reputation as a hard worker

the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past



1) Britain could grant Spain's request.

I would love to be able to grant her wish

2) He's got talent, I grant you, but he doesn't work hard enough

3) He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam

1) to give someone something or allow them to have something that they have asked for

2) to admit that something is true although it does not make much difference to your opinion ~>concede

3) to believe that something is true without making sure



1) I didn't see your car, so I assumed youd gone out

2) Whoever they appoint will assume responsibility for all financial matters

Jim Paton will assume the role of managing director

3) Andy assumed an air of indifference whenever her name was mentioned

1) to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof

2) to start to have control, responsibility etc or to start in a particular position or job

3) to behave in a way that does not show how you really feel, especially in order to seem more confident, happy etc than you are



1) The actress now dedicates herself to children's charity work

2) The book was dedicated to her husband

3) -

4) The company dedicated $50,000 for the study

1) to give all your attention and effort to one particular thing

2) to say at the beginning of a book or film, or before a piece of music, that it has been written, made, or performed for someone that you love or respect

3) to state in an official ceremony that a building will be given someone's name in order to show respect for them

4) to use a place, time, money etc only for a particular purpose

SYN devote



1) The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation

living accommodations for the crews

travel and hotel accommodations

Universities have to provide student accommodation for first-year students

2) We reached an accommodation between both parties

1) a place for someone to stay, live, or work

2) an agreement between people or groups who have different views or opinions, that satisfies everyone



Mammals are vertebrate animals.

a living creature that has a backbone ~>invertebrate



1) @devote your time energy attention etc to something

He devoted his energies to writing films.

@devote yourself to something

She devoted herself full-time to her business

2) @devote something to something

The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues

1) to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someone

2) to use a particular area, period of time, or amount of space for a specific purpose

SYN dedicate

naive (adj)

naively (adv)

naivety (noun)


a naive young girl Jim can be so naive sometimes.

@it is naive to think/suppose/assume etc

It would be naive to think that this could solve all the area's problems straight away


I had naively imagined that he was in love with me


dangerous political naivety


not having much experience of how complicated life is, so that you trust people too much and believe that good things will always happen ~>innocent