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19 Cards in this Set

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Rape myths
beliefs in a culture that excuses men for perpetrating sexual assault & puts blame on women
when a company exports its means of production to a different country beside its own
use of economic, political or sultural pressure to control other countries
fertilazation occurs, sotps implant into uterus
preventing fertilization
removal of the fetus
factories run by a foreign country that exports its products to the country of the company
Roe v. Wade
Supreme court case that legalized abortions
Jane Collective
group of women who all had bad abortions & ran illegal abortions clinic to help give safer abortions
What does SAFE provide?
helps victims of doemstic assault, rape, stalking, etc. 24/hr hotline, shelter, clothes, vehicle, food, cell phone
Distinguish between stalking, sex assault and rape
following, some unwanted sexual action and penetration without consent
How did Roe v. Wade change abortions?
legalized, safer, sterile, no exporting or sneaking around
What are some intersecting discriminations in Loving Across and Question of Class?
Loving - black and white lesbians, not of high SES, not in accepting neighborhood
Question - very poor, sex assaulted but thought they had no other choice, internalized shame, discrimination in own class
How does class influence access to birth control?
Today, doesn't really depend on SES much. Free at many places and cheap in stores, access every where and much more talked about
Why does Jervis reject "grey rape?"
puts blame on women, uses sexual dbl standards, guys aren't at fault, women "had it coming"
How is public influence by trad GR? Why is this unhealthy?
media portrays women as small and fragile, can't handle much, can't cope, need lots of help
How is violence against women different/similar in other countries?
Police don't help women as much in other places, even do "honor killings", people take other men's "women" like property, hold religion higher,
Similar- have same traditional GR
Why are maquiladoras bad? How do they keep control?
take young women who need work away from their homes/communities/support systems
top-down managing system, very vulnerable, need the money
What is the Shock doctrine?
Use different levels of analysis.
comparison of shock therapy to the use extreme capatalism in societies. Always occurs after major disaster.
Reconstruction of Iraq - US companies take control of some oil rights - meso= effects comminities global=US and stock market
After 9/11 - war on terror work outsourced to companies like Haliburton