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115 Cards in this Set

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What did the Egyptians and Mesopotamians (Sumer) have in common?

They both allowed women to have careers and own land.

What was the earliest system of laws ever recorded?

Hammurabi's codes.

How did the Egyptians view the pharaoh?

They viewed him as a living god.

Who were the first people to really promote worshipping only one god (monotheism)?

Hebrews (Jews).

How were Zoroaster's beliefs similar to later religious beliefs such as Christianity and Islam?

Believed in Angels and a "Satan like" figure.

What achievements were the Phoenicians most famous for?

Phonetic alphabet, seafaring, shipbuilding, and red-purple dye.

What advancements were made in India during the Gupta Empire?

Advancements in literature, art, science, and math.

What principles did Asoka belief in?

Religious tolerance, non-violence, and treating people fairly.

What factors caused the Mauryan Empire to decline?

The death of Asoka and political instability led to their demise.

What enabled Buddhism to spread all over Asia?


How are Hinduism and Buddhism alike?

They both believe in reincarnation, non-violence, and karma.

What do Hinduism and Buddhism say about the caste system?

Hinduism believes in the caste system while Buddhism rejects it.

What kind of government did Shi Huangdi use in China?


What were the three ancient Chinese philosophies of Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism really trying to achieve?

They all wanted to bring back order, harmony, and respect for authority.

What was the Mandate of Heaven?

It was God's approval or blessing to rule China.

What kind of government did Egypt have?


What was the main reason the Phoneicians needed a phonetic alphabet?

Their merchants needed a way to keep track of their sales clearly and quickly.

What writing system developed by the Summerians? Egyptians?

Cuneiform (Summerians). Hieroglyphics (Egyptians).

What two rivers in India were the focal points for early civilizations?

Indus and the Ganges.

What caused the Indian subcontinent to be isolated and protected from the rest of the world?

Deserts, mountains, and water.

What kind of government was Greece forced to use based on the geography of their land?


What kind of government did the Romans use in their empire?


What reforms did Augustus make when he became Caesar?

Political and social reforms.

What achievements are the Romans best known for?

Engineering, laws, language, and architecture (ELLA).

What cultures did Alexander the Great blend together to form the Hellenistic culture?

Persian, Indian, Greek, and Egyptian (PIGE).

What made Christianity such a popular religion during Roman times?

It promised eternal life, open to everyone, one on one relationship, and Roman roads.

How were the Greeks and Romans alike in respect to their religion?

Mythological gods and goddesses.

What factors caused the Roman Empire to fall apart?

Bad leadership, gap between rich and poor, invaders, and lack of interest in Empire.

According to the Muslims, who was Mohammad?

He was the last but one true prophet.

How did the Muslims create a world-wide trading network?

They used the same language and currency throughout all their empires. They also set up banks for people to deposit and borrow money.

What was the main issue that caused a division between Sunni and Shia Muslims?

They disagreed over who could be the leader of the Muslims (caliph).

At what events were ideas most often spread from one culture to another?

Migration, trade, and conquest.

What were the major contributions of Ibn Sina? Ibn Battuta?

Produced medical encyclopidias. Historian of Muslim world.

What were some of the causes of the Crusades?

Unite Christianity and get back Holyland.

What were some of the effects of the Crusades?

Lasting hatred between Muslims and Christians and commercial revolution.

What beliefs did the Catholic Church re-affirm at the Council of Trent?

Church and Bible equal, church's word is final, and salvation by faith and good works.

Humanists tended to focus on what key areas?

Human potential and achievement.

Why was Leonardo da Vinci considered the ultimat "Renaissance Man?"

He was a sculptor, painter, visionary, and scientist.

What English King took control of the church when the pope refuses to grant him a divorce?

English King Henry the Eighth.

What were John Calvin's key beliefs?

Predestination and all people are sinful.

Why was the printing press such an important invention?

Raised literacy rate in Europe and helped the spread of ideas.

What were Martin Luther's key beliefs?

Bible sole truth and salvation by faith alone.

Explain the reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy?

Flourishing cities, wealthy merchants, and plague free.

What role did Elizabeth the First play in the English Reformation?

Elizabeth the First established a state church (Anglican).

Who was the Chinese explorer that led seven overseas voyages before the time of Columbus?

Zheng He.

What famous explorer is credited with opening up trade between Europe and the Americas?


Who was the first explorer to circumnavigate the world?


What was the Columbian exchange?

Transfer of food, plants, and animals.

What was the astrolabe?

Navigational instrument used to get latitude.

What were some of the technological advancements during the age of exploration?

Magnetic compass, triangular sails, Caravel, astrolabe, and sextant.

What theory is Isaac Newton famous for developing?

The laws of gravity and motion.

Why did Copernicus's heliocentric theory cause such a controversy?

It went against the Catholic Church's teachings.

Why did the Catholic Church feel threatened by the Galileo's findings?

It undermined the Church and had people questioning Church practices.

What idea was John Locke famous for coming up with?

People had the rights of life, liberty, and property. It was the governments responsibility to protect those rights.

What areas did the famous enlightenment thinker Voltaire speak out on?

Freedom of speech and religion.

How did early enlightenment thinkers propose people solve the problems of their day?

By logic and reason.

What ruling style did Peter the Great, Louis the Fourteenth, and Napoleon share in common?

Absolute rulers.

What were the causes of the French Revolution?

The Storming of the Bastille.

In what ways were the French Revolution and the American Revolution alike?

They both were fought to get representative governments.

What method of warfare did the Russians use against Napoleon and his troops?

Scorched earth policy.

What were the main goals going into the Congress of Vienna?

Restore balance of power, surround France with strong countries, and restore royal families to power.

What kind of takeover did Napoleon orchestrate in order to become the leader of France?

Coup d' état.

How did Otto Von Bismarck unify Germany?


Explain what factors caused the Industrial Revolution to begin in Britain?

Social and economic reforms.

Why did countries like Germany and Japan take longer to industrialize than Great Britain?

Lack of natural resources and economic stability (capital).

What resources did Germany have an abundance of that allowed them to eventually pass Britain in industrial production?

Large amounts of iron and coal.

What did Adam Smith's theory of Laissez Faire economics say about the role of the government in the economy?

Government is not to interfere in the economy.

What problems did the Industrial Revolution create according to Karl Marx?

A few rich and a lot of poor workers.

What happened at the Berlin Conference?

Europeans divided Africa.

What country in Asia came under control of the French in the 1800's?


What was the cause of both the Boxer Rebellion and the Opium War?

Resentment of foreign influence.

What European country did Japan go to war with during the Meiji era?


What Asian country did Japan take control of during the Meiji era?


Who were the "Young Turks?"

A group of young people in the Ottoman empire who wanted modernation.

What were the underlying causes of World War One?


What single event helped trigger the start of World War One?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

What type of warfare was primarily used throughout all of World War One?

Trench warfare.

Why was World War One more destructive than earlier wars?

The modern weapons were more destructive.

What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

To keep Germany from rebuilding its military.

What empire was broken up after World War One into the countries of Palestine, Iraq, and the Trans Jordan?

Ottoman empire.

What empire was broken up after World War One into the countries of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia?


What impact did World War One have on the economy of Europe?

It drained the treasuries of the European countries.

What were the causes of the Russian Revolution?

The Czars resisted all efforts for change.

How did Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize control of Russia?

They thought it would cause similar revolutions all over Europe.

How did Stalin rise to power in Russia?

The government.

What were Sun Yixian's three principles of the people?

Nationalism, democracy, and economic security.

What principles did Mohandas Gandhi promote?

He promoted non-violence.

What famous Turkish leader was given the nickname "Ataturk" which means father of the Turks?

Mustafa Kemal.

What famous scientist came up with the "theory of relativity?"

Albert Einstein.

What were Sigmund Freud's ideas on human behavior?

He said that most of human behavior is irrational.

What famous artist helped invent the style of art we now call "cubism?"

Pablo Picasso.

What is fascism and what ideas does it stress?

Fascism is a style of government that emphasizes nationalism. The needs of the country are more important than those of the individual.

What methods did totalitarian leaders like Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin use to control their people?

Fear, censorship, and propaganda.

What was the United States' reaction to Pearl Harbor?

They declared war on Japan.

What happened at the battle of Guadalcanal?

It was a very deadly battle but the Allies stopped the Japanese advancement.

What was the Bataan Death March?

Japanese soldiers took allied prisoners on a death march through the Philippines.

What was the final solution?

It was his plan for the mass killing of the Jews.

What were the Nuremburg laws?

Laws designed to deprive Jews of their rights.

What was the main purpose of the Yalta conference?

To decide how to restructure Europe after World War Two.

Why did most of the countries in Eastern Europe become satellite countries of the Soviet Union after World War Two?

The Soviet Union took them over by force and made them become part of their empire.

Why was the United Nations created?

It was created to promote world peace.

What was the Marshall Plan?

It was the plan to send money and other aid to countries in Western Europe to help them rebuild after World War Two.

Why was NATO created? What was the Soviet reaction to NATO being created?

To provide collective security against the Soviet Union. They made a Warsaw Pact with NATO.

What class of people in China supported the Meo Ze Dong and the Communist Party after World War Two?


What methods did Gandhi use to help India achieve its independence from Britain?

Boycotts, strikes, and demonstrations.

What was the key issue that cause conflict between the Jews and Arabs in Israel?

Mutual recognition, borders, security, water rights, control of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, Palestinian freedom of movement, and Palestinian right of return.

How did the Arab nations react to the United Nations dividing Palestine into two parts.

They started wars in 1956, 1967, and 1973.

What was the SALT treaty?

The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks-A series of meetings in the 1970's, in which leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit their nations' stocks of nuclear weapons.

Compare the Soviet Union's policies during the reign of Khrushchev and Gorbachev.

Perestroika-A restructuring of the Soviet economy to permit more local decision making, begun by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985. Nikita Khrushchev's speech signaled the start of a policy called destalinization, or purging the country of Stalin's memory.

What were the students in Tiananmen Square protesting about and what were the results of the protesting?

The students mounted a protest for democracy. They started an assault and it killed hundreds and also wounded thousands.

What was apartheid? What leader was instrumental in getting apartheid abolished?

A South African policy of complete legal separation of the races, including the banning of all social contacts between black and whites. Nelson Mandela.

What impact has television and mass media had globally?

TV and mass media made people make bad decisions because they thought that if it was on TV and mass media that it was okay for them to do too.

What does "global economy" mean?

All the financial interactions-involving people, businesses, and governments-that cross international boundaries.

What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is an economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources.

Why did the US get involved in the Gulf War?

The euphoria caused by the drawing down of the Cold War was dramatically overshadowed by the August 2, 1990, invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. Iraqi control of Kuwait and the danger it posed to Saudi Arabia and the smaller Gulf states threatened a vital U.S. interest, because the United States, and the West in general, remained dependent on this region for much of its oil supplies.