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102 Cards in this Set

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What ConnectivityManager property is used on Android to detect network connection?


In REST, what header field determines the format of the response body?


What is an idempotent HTTP method?

A method that will always return the same result regardless of how many times it is called.

What does HttpClient.GetAsync() method return?

HttpResponseMessage, including headers, content and status.

What two message handlers can be used with Xamarin.iOS to customize HttpClient and integrate more deeply with the networking stack?

CFNetworkHandler and NSUrlHandler (better)

What message handler can be used with Xamarin.Android to to customize HttpClient and integrate more deeply with the networking stack?


What info.plist key is used to add App Transport Security (ATS) exclusions for iOS?


In what StackLayout orientation are some child LayoutOptions ignored, and what are those LayoutOption values.

In the SAME direction as its orientation (horizontal or vertical) StackLayout ignores the Start, Center, End and Fill layout options.

What's the difference between StaticResource and x:Static markup extensions?

StaticResource returns an object from a resource dictionary while x:Static accesses a public static field, static property, or constant defined by a class or structure, or an enumeration member

What are the dedicated APIs on Android, iOS and Windows for controlling the native visualappearance of an app.

Windows – Style +ControlTemplate

iOS – UIAppearance

Android –android:theme

What two Android types are needed to start an Activity?

Context and Intent

Context: an access point to the Android environment running your app

Intent: request sent to Android to start an new Activity

To start a new Activity, create an Intent and pass it to Context.StartActivity()

PlatformEffect provides what three properties to allow access to visual customization?

Container (UIView)

Control (UIView)

Element (Xamarin.Forms element)

When creating a custom Effect, what PlatformEffect method should be overridden to make changes to visual properties?


What is the file location for the app-specific sandbox on Android, iOS and Windows?

Android - *apphome*/files

iOS - *apphome*/Library/[subdirectory]

Windows - *apphome*\local

What object should be created to access a SQlite database?


For each platform, in what folder is a SQLite database stored?

Android - *apphome*/databases

iOS - *apphome*/Library

Windows - *apphome*\LocalState

What method is used to set the threading mode for SQLite?


SQLite.NET includes an asynchronous API through what class?


When querying SQLite.NET, what method can be used to stay on the background thread after await finishes?


What two ways are there to tell the linker to keep something?

In code, with a [Preserve] attribute.

XML linker configuration file, linkerconfig.xml.

What are the distribution packages for iOS, Android and Windows?

iOS - .app App Bundler

Android - .apk App Package

Windows - .appx AppX Package

When building an iOS app, what is the Deployment Target represent?

Deployment Target is the minimum version of iOS required for that app to run.

What are the four types of Apple provisioning profiles?

iOS App Developer

Ad Hoc

App Store


In the Android build settings, what is the Target Framework?

Target Framework controls the libraries the compiler uses when building an app. This should be set to the latest released framework.

In the Android build settings, what is the Target Android version?

Target version is the Android version an app is intended to run on (used at runtime). This is typically the version on which the app will run the best.

What does an Android application package (.apk) contain?

An .apk file contains your IL code, runtime, framework assemblies,native .dex files, manifest, resources (images, etc), ABIs and any componentsthe app uses.

In data binding, what method is used to associate a binding to a target property?


nameEntry.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, nameBinding);

What markup extension is used to set a view as the binding source or BindingContext of another view in the same XAML page?

x:Reference markup extension

In Xamarin.Forms what method is used to switch to the UI thread?


In Xamarin.Android what method is used to switch to the UI thread?


In Xamarin.iOS what method is used to switch to the UI thread?

InvokeOnMainThread or BeginInvokeOnMainThread

What ListView property should be set to enable "pull-to-refresh" to get new data?


What are the built-in Cell types available in a DataTemplate?





What two ListView properties are used to change the line that separates each item?

SeparatorVisibility and SeparatorColor

In a ListView, a cells ContextActions collection property contains objects of what type?


Individual ListView rows can be resized programmatically at runtime using what method on the cell?


To conditionally provide a ListView with DataTemplate at runtime, the ItemTemplate property must be set to a derivation of what base class?


What can be used to modify a DataTemplate definition at runtime?


When a ListView's HasUnevenRows property is true, what is the priority for which value determines row height.


RowHeight (if ViewCell.Height = 0)

When using MVVM, how can a ListView's header and footer be defined?

HeaderTemplate or FooterTemplate can be set with a DataTemplate.

What ListView property can be set to provide visual grouping of data?


What ListView property is used to get or set the binding to use for display the group header.


On iOS and Windows, what ListView property can be set to enable the "quick index" feature?


What ListView caching strategy generates a Cell for every item in the list and keeps them?


What ListView caching strategy re-uses cells as the user scrolls through the list?


When is the RetainElement caching strategy on a ListView preferred?

If you have a large number of bindings on the cell (e.g. > 20)

..or if the cell visuals change a lot based on the binding context

..or if testing shows that RecycleElement is slower for you

What three items should match between publisher and subscriber in order for messages to be received using MessageCenter?

sender type

message string

parameter type

What are the three ICommand members that must be implemented?

bool CanExecute()

void Execute()

event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged

What Xamarin.Forms controls expose a Command property?





How do you apply an Effect to a control in code?

Effect effect = Effect.Resolve("Company.MyEffect");


What the three overridable methods in the PlatformEffect base class are use when creating a custom effect?




What assembly level attributes (platform specific) are required to set an effect identifier?

[assembly: ResolutionGroupName("MyCompany")]

[assembly: ExportEffect(typeof(MyIOSShadowEffect), "ShadowEffect")]

What assembly level attribute ties an effect name to the platform-specific class that implements the effect?


What extension methods are used to embed a native control in a Xamarin Forms layout control and content control?

layout control - Use the Add extension method Use the ToView extension method to convert and add all at once

content control - Use the ToView extension method to convert, then load manually

What are the three steps to customize a renderer?

1. Subclass an element

2. Subclass the platform renderer for the element on each platform

3. Use the assembly-level ExportRenderer attribute to connect the Xamarin.Forms element to the platform-specific renderer

What method is overridden when customizing a platform renderer for an existing control?


When creating a renderer for a custom control, what base method is used to set the Control property?


When implementing a platform-specific renderer, what type parameters are used when deriving from the base ViewRenderer class?

Type of the custom Xamarin.Forms element

Type of the custom native control

When creating a renderer for a custom control, what method is overridden to create an instance of the control?


When creating a renderer for a custom control, what base ViewRenderer property exposes the Xamarin.Forms custom element?


What custom renderer method should be overridden to monitor property changes on the Xamarin.Forms element?


For iOS, how can you make an image appear on a control?

TabBarItem.Image = UIImage.FromBundle ("MyImage");

What control is used to display an image in an iOS storyboard?


In iOS, what are the responsibilities of a UIView?


Layout for subviews

Event publishing

In iOS, what are the responsibilities of a UIViewController?

1. provides view management for a single screen

2. owns a UIView (root view) and receives lifetime notifications from it

3. Acts as the mediator between the view(s) and the data/logic/model(s)

What is an outlet in iOS?

An outlet is a property that is tied to a control in the UI design.

What is required to build a Xamarin.iOS app?

the latest iOS SDK

the latest version of Xcode

Mac OS X Yosemite(10.10) & above

What .NET API/features are not available for Xamarin.iOS?




No support for creating types dynamically

What interface should be implemented when making UI thread calls from shared code?


What common platform features are accessible using the Xamarin.Mobile component?

reading address book

get user's location

take a photo

What social networks does the Xamarin.Social component work with?





For a child element of a StackLayout what are the default HorizontalOptions and VeriticalOptions values?


In the direction opposite of its orientation, what child layout options does a StackLayout use?





What is the relationship between a StackLayout's orientation and expansion?

A StackLayout can expand in the same direction as its orientation.

A StackLayout ignores "AndExpand" in the opposite direction of its orientation.

In the same direction of its orientation, what child layout options does a StackLayout use?

"...AndExpand" version of a layout option is used

Start, Center, End and Fill are ignored

Which HTTP methods are idempotent?






What is a safe HTTP method?

Safe HTTP methods do not modifythe resource representation.

Which HTTP methods are safe?




In what ways can the native control rendering be modified?

Platform themes


Embedded native controls

Custom renderers

What does the ExportEffect attribute do?

It ties the effect name with the platform-specific class that implements that effect.

[assembly: ExportEffect(typeof(MyIOSShadowEffect), "ShadowEffect")]

What is Frame when positioning a subview in iOS?

Frame defines the view position and size in superview coordinates.

What is Center when positioning a subview in iOS?

Center defines the center point of the view in superview coordinates.

What is Bounds when positioning a subview in iOS?

Bounds defines the position and size of the view in it's own coordinates.

On iOS, what is in the Entitlements.plist file?

external Apple services your app wants to interact with such as in-app purchases, HealthKit or push notifications

On iOS, what file is responsible for creatingthe main window and listening to operatingsystem events?


What are the Register, Outlet and Export attributes for in iOS?

Classes that will be instantiated by iOS need to be registered with theObjective-C runtime with the Register attribute.

An outlet is a property that is tied to a control in the UI design.

Export attribute exports a method or property to the Objective-C world.

In AppDelegate, what is done when overriding the FinishedLaunching method.

create new UIWindow, assign to Window property

instantiate custom ViewController and assign to RootViewController

call Window.MakeKeyAndVisible()

In an iOS ViewController, what method is called after a view is loaded.


this is the place to add new controls and set any visual properties

On iOS, what UITextField method should be called to dismiss the keyboard?


In Android, what is an Activity?

An Activity defines the UI and behavior for a single task.

In Android, what are the two special values for specifying layout_width and layout_height on a LinearLayout?

match_parent - same size as the parent view

wrap_content - just large enough to fit around its content

What is the baseline density on Android?


1dp = 1px on a 160 dpi screen

How is an Android app's main Activity designated?

The class that inherits from Activity should have the [Activity] attribute with MainLauncher property set to 'true'.

What method should be overridden to initialize an Android Activity?


On Android, what method instantiates all the Views in a layout file and loads them as the Activity's UI?

protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)


base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Pi);


How do you set the id on an Android view?

Set the Id of a View in XML using the id attribute and the syntax @+id/


What is a Bundle in Android?

A Bundle is a collection of key - value pairs passed between activities.

Extras are a Bundle inside an Intent to be passed between Activities.

What are the two ways to load Intent Extras?


intent.PutExtra("ContactId", 123456789);

What are two equivalent ways to retrieve Intent Extras in the Target?

int id = base.Intent.Extras.GetInt("ContactId", -1);

int id = base.Intent.GetIntExtra("ContactId", -1);

What method should a source Activity override to start a target activity and pass it a request code?

StartActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);

What method should a source Activity override to receive results from a target activity?

OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

What are the different pieces of info that can be loaded into an Implicit Intent?

Action - specifies what needs to be done

Data - piece of info for Target Activity

Categories - restricts the kind of Activity you would like to handle your Intent

MIME Type - indicates the type of the Data you want the Intent to manipulate, it helps Android determine which Activity to launch
