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3 Cards in this Set

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-defence may be available

-put doubt into jury's mind about whether D formed mens rea

Voluntary intoxication

-when D has chosen to take an intoxicating substance and knows effect will make him intoxicated (R v Coley)

-if specific intent without mens rea, defence is available (DPP v Beard)(Sheehan and Moore)

-if specific intent with mens reas defence not available (murder, GBH with intent, theft, robbery, burglary)

-Dutch courage doesn't count (R v Gallagher)

Involuntary intoxication

(spiked drinks)

(sopoforic drugs with unusual effect, RvHardie)

(prescribed drugs with unusual effect, RvBailey)

(intoxicants under duress)

-R v Kingston, involuntary intoxication not a defence to someone who is proved to have necessary criminal intent

-R v Allen intoxication still voluntary even if he didn't realise strength

-R v Lipman voluntary intoxicated but didn't have MR for murder

-R v Hatton, a drunken mistake about force required in self defence not a defence

-O'Grady not limited to basic intent crimes R v Jaggard and Dickinson