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3 Cards in this Set

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List the 6 AHAs and where they come from.

- Citric Acid (Citrus Fruits)

- Glycolic Acid (Sugar Cane or Honey)

- Lactic (Sour Milk)

- Malic (Apples)

- Mandelic (Almonds)

- Tartaric (Fermented Grapes)

How many stages of acne are there? Briefly describe each stage.

4 Stages

Grade 1

Non-inflammatory, mild

Open comedones (blackheads)

Closed comedones (whiteheads, milia)

Grade 2

- Non-inflammatory, mild

Mainly closed comedones (whiteheads, milia) most difficult to treat

- Inflammatory

Inflamed lesions (papules and a few pustules) mixed with milder non-inflamed lesions

Responds well to topical treatments

Grade 3


Inflamed lesions (papules and pustules) mixed with milder non-inflamed lesions, few nodules

Responds well to topical treatments

Grade 4

Inflammatory, severe

Consists primarily of cysts and all inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions (open/closed comedones, papules, pustules, nodules)

Severe inflammation and purplish discoloration

How many categories are there in the Fitzpatrick scale? Describe each category.

Type I - Very fair, blonde/red hair, light eyes, freckles common, always burns, never tans

Type II - Fair-skinned, light eyes, light hair, burns easily, tans w/difficulty

Type III - Very common skin type, fair, eye & hair color vary, sometimes burns, gradually tans, moderate risk for skin cancer

Type IV - Mediterranean Caucasian skin, dark brown hair, medium to heavy pigmentation, rarely burns, tans easily

Type V - Middle Eastern skin, dark/black hair, brown eyes, rarely sun sensitive, skin darkens, may never burn

Type VI - Black skin, brown eyes, rarely sun sensitive, tans easily, may never burn

Type I, Type II - High risk for skin cancer, vascular damage

Type III, Type IV, Type V, Type VI - Moderate risk for vascular damage