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259 Cards in this Set

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requires application of spermicide


TX before conception. if not tx, fetus at increased risk for mental retardation, microcephaly, congenital heart defects & growth retadation. tx with low phenylalanine diet (low protein)


prepares uterus for implantation by decreasing g motility & contractility imparted by estrogen during menstrual cycle

positive hep B surface antigen

requires immediate intervention for neonate. unTXed infection may cause cirrhosis if the liver or liver CA in adulthood

mother w/ type 1 diabetes

infant at risk for macrosomia due to fetal exposure to mother's insulin & sugar imbalances


pt may need factor VIII replacement during pregnancy | sex-linked recessive trait carried fromasymptomatic females to male offspring. 80% of hemophilia is x-linked recessive. mother is the carrier & child is male. female child can acquire hemophilia if mother is carrier & father has hemophilia

pre-eclampsia diet

mod - high protein diet to replace protein lost in urine & prevent dietary deficiency

foods containing folic acid

organ meats, asparagus, dark green leafy veggies & oranges (4mg of folic acid qd @ least a month before conception) | decreases likelihood of neural tube defects

immediately following amniotomy

mntr fetal heart rate to assess for prolapse cord. if presenting part is not engaged, cord may prolapse when membranes rupture

transition phase

intense, painful & erratic

mother feels like she can't continue

some women bleed twice as much

changing 2 pads w/in 2 hrs is normal

increase of circulating plasma volume

physiologic anemia

beta-mimetics (brethine)

for pre-term labor (off labe)

poses significant risk to maternal cardiovascular function w/ cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, palpitations & ischemia as serious effect

oxytocin once dilated 5-6 cm

decrease by decrements per agency protocol since less medication is needed

episiotomy incision

inflammation after 48 hrs may be sign of localized infection

uterine atony

failure of uterus to maintain a steady state of contraction & causes postpartum hemorrhage

uterine involution

fundal decent. by 10th postpartum day uterus should not palpable

uterine subinvolution

palpation of uterus above symphysis pubis at 10th day. uterus fails to return to its pre-pregnant state promptly & healing of the placental site is delayed

reva rubin

(maternal development tasks)




postpartum sepsis

can be prevented by taking sitz baths bid & good perineal hygiene

maternal insulin requirements

often decrease dramatically during labor

engorgement (prevent)

breast-feed often

breast exam (abnormal)

retraction of breast or nipple

skin dimpling


exposure to DES (diethylstilbestrol) in utero

increases risk for developing cervical CA

women w/ BRCA-1 or BRCA-2 mutations

50% - 90% chance of developing breast CA

pt w/ dilatation & curettage (nursing care)

provide perineal care w/ pad checks to discourage infection & monitor bleeding pads

test for alpha-fetoprotein

done during amniocentesis, screens for neural tube defects

screening of inborn errors of metabolism

triple marker screen test, chorionic villus sampling & amniocentesis

ventriculoperitoneal shunt

may cause peritonitis or post-op ileum. observe for ab distention | pt should be placed on unoperated side to prevent pressure on shunt valve | greatest risk is infection & malfunction of shunt | shunt malfunction can cause behavior changes

hirschsprung disease

watch for distention post-op | colostomy is temporary

duchenne muscular dystrophy (goal)

primary goal is to maintain optimal function in all muscles

down's syndrome

depressed nasal bone, presence of palmar crease, & protruding tongue (can cause a chronic problem of inadequate drainage of mucus & thrusting out of food) | short neck muscle hypertonicity (could determine the child's readiness for self-feeding; including ability to maintain head/trunk support) | arched palate & shortened rib cage (may compromise respiratory expansion & contribute to RI) | small teeth & hypoplastic mandible | hearing loss is fairly common | respiratory function is a priority assessment. decreased muscle tone causes children to have difficulty w/ expansion | hyperflexability w/ ROM

patent ductus arteriosus

med tx: indomethacin (indocin)

se: oliguria

congenital heart failure

very high metabolic rate b/c their cardiac function is poor & their heart & respiratory rates are ^ | they need additional calories & have difficulty maintaining | condition causes them to fatigue easily

osteogenesis imperfecta

characterized by bone fragility. brittle bones & extreme susceptibility to fractures

metatarsus adductus

abnormal positioning of foot that fx involves rigidity


involves bone deformity not fragility

hemophilia (contra meds)

indomethacin (indocin) b/c it inhibits platelet function

mental retardation (risks)

children tend to be very open & persuadable, displaying poor judgement putting them at risk for sexual exploitation

cleft lip palate (nursing dx)

growth failure r/t to feeding difficulties

nursing dx: altered nutrition: less than body requirements r/t to physical defects


k-losing diuretic

preterm infants: respiratory distress syndrome

tachypnea w nasal flaring, chest retractions & expiratory grunt

post-term infants

dry, peeling skin which is benign

sponge baths (umbilical cord)

should be given until cord falls off. usually for first 2 wks to prevent infection entering through umbilicus.


caused by abnormally high toxic accumulation of bilirubin in the CNS fissures

phytonadione (aquaMEPHYTON)/vitamin K

admin 1mg w/in 1 hr of birth | prevents hemorrhagic disease which results from absence of gut bacterial flora which influences production of vit K b/c prothrombin lvls are low in first few days of life

apgar score

[color (0: blue, pale | 1: pink body, blue extremities | 2: completely pink)] [heart rate (0: absent | 1: slow, <100 | 2: >100) [reflex irritability (0: no response | 1: grimace | 2: vigorous cry)] [muscle tone (0: flaccid | 1: some flexion of extremities | 2: well-flexed)] [respiratory effort (0: absent | 1: slow, irregular, weak cry | 2: good, strong cry)]

risk for impaired skin integrity r/t hyperactive movements (prevent)

swaddling newborn has a calming effect & will decrease hyperactive mvmnts in-turn decreasing skin irritation

testicular torsion

dusky scrotum & solid testis (requires immediate attention from physician)


wash w/ water around circumcised area | petroleum gauze or A & D ointment will prevent the diaper from sticking to raw area | watery pink-yellow oozing may be observed but no bright red bleeding | diaper should be loosely fasten

delivery by forceps (negative)

can damage facial nerve resulting in facial palsy w/ absent toothing, sucking & swallowing reflexes

tracheoesophageal fistula

may prevent infant from swallowing. risk for aspiration


allergy w/ hereditary element, usually manifested by skin inflammation

plantar creases

on anterior of sole of foot, are a reliable indicator of newborn gestational age (breast tissue & lanugo can also help determine gestational age)

bleeding after 1 year (post-menopause)

maybe be a sign of uterine CA. ultrasound & biopsy should be done immediately

post-menopause (pre-disposed to)

women are predisposed to bacterial infections b/c the vaginal pH rises creating a medium for bacterial growth. increased risk for developing gardnerella

hormone replacement therapy

when you instruct pt to perform BSE @ end of 1 med cycle provides a definitive time that pt is not likely to forget | DVT is a fx complication, notify physician immediately if leg pain occurs | conta in women w/ hx of liver disease since estrogen is metabolized by the liver


benign disorder of the repro tract | presence & growth of endometrial tissue outside of uterus | women 30-40 are most likely to develop | endometrial tissue may implant on fallopian tubes, ovaries & tissues surrounding the lining of the pelvis | misplaced endometrial tissue breaks down & bleeds into the surrounding tissue, causing inflammation where blood becomes trapped in the surrounding tissues & causes the development of blood-containing cysts | recurring inflammation in the areas outside of the uterus eventually result in scarring, fibrosis & development of adhesions, scar tissues that binds the organs together causing increased ab pain & risk of infertility

endometriosis (s/s)

pain of varying intensities is most common, but degree of pain is not a reliable indicator of the extent of the disorder. pain during ovulation (mittelschmerz) | heavy bleeding during menstruation | episodes of diarrhea & constipation | dyspareunia or pain during defecation

how do you dx endometriosis

through pelvic exam & vaginal ultrasound to provide imaging of displaced endometrial tissue or cyst. also a laparoscopy

endometriosis (med mngmnt)

pain control. hormonal therapy to shrink abnormal tissue (stabilizes release of estrogen & progesterone to decrease tissue swelling & bleeding) oral contraception can also be used to suppress ovulation

cervical CA

develops gradually | majority is squamous cell carcinomas | screening & tx of dysplasia significantly reduces chances that carcinoma will develop | primary risk factor is HPV (there is a STRONG correlation btwn high-risk types of HPV & development of cervical CA (sometimes surgery to remove abnormal tissue)


associated w/ the development of papillomas | no tx but vaccine, quadrivalent human papillomavirus recombinant vaccine

(3 doses. 2nd dose is admin 2 months after 1st. 3rd dose is admin 6 mnths after 1st dose) | med management is determined by biopsy & staging of the CA


abnormal enlargement of the pampinifrm venous plexus (which drains the testicles) in the scrotum; swollen, twisted vein | may cause increased infertility | abnormal dilatation of the veins from the testis & the epididymus of the spermatic cord is associated w/ infertility | (varicose veins that cause swelling & discomfit in the scrotum) is the leading cause of male infertility

transurethral resection of the prostate (turp)

effectiveness of continuous bladder irrigation 24 hrs after turp; urine is reddish pink after surgery & then clears to light pink w/in a few hrs


should be perform once a month | scrotum should be held in the palms of the hands & each testicle examined w/ the thumb & fingers of both hands. roll testis gently btwn the thumb & fingers & feel for any lump or abnorm | usually after a warm bath or shower when scrotum is more relaxed. testicles rolled gently btwn thumb & finger. epidermis is palpated w/ one hand, one side then the other. epididymis is located in scrotal sac & can't be visually seen

benign prostatic hyperplasia

non-CA enlargement or hypertrophy of the prostate | oliguria, dysuria & hesitancy in starting

erectile dysfunction

impotence, inability to either achieve or maintain erection | contras: adrenergic blocking agents (impotence is a SE) | tx: penile implants, negative-pressure vacuum device; pharma: injection, urethral suppository oral meds

semen analysis

pt must remain abstinent for 3-4 days to increase quality of sperm

non-bacterial prostatitis

inflammation of prostate gland resulting in painful ejaculation

s/s: prostatodynia (pain on voiding or perineal pain)


pts taking metronidazole (flagyl) | contra: alcoholic beverages (flagyl & alcohol puts pts at risk for experiencing flushing, palpitations, tachycardia & n/v)

anterior pituitary gland

controls onset of secondary sex characteristics in males

oral contraceptives (when missed)

when 2 or more pills are missed use an alternative form of contraception.. continue until on the pill for at least 7 days.

STOP once pregnancy is suspected

HPV (risks)

associated w/ a higher risk for cervical CA & if pt smokes this increases importance of addressing HPV infection & starting pt on scheduled frequent pap smears

puberty in girls

breast buds is usually first sign. pubic hair is usually second & menses is third

oral contraceptives

s/s of wt gain & breast tenderness. s/s will subside in 4-6 weeks

risks from OC is increased when liver enzymes are elevated | women taking OC & being TXed w/ antibiotics must use additional form of contraception due to decreased effectiveness of OC while on antibiotics

rape trauma syndrome (goals of management)

provide support, reduce emotional trauma & gather evidence for possible legal proceedings

genital herpes type 2

females: pap smear is important procedure & genital herpes is a possible risk factor for development of cervical CA. should be done annually | causes leisons on cervix, vagina, & external vagina

vasectomy (post)

apply ice bags to scrotum intermittently for several hours to reduce swelling & discomfort

undescended testicles (risk)

men have 35 times greater chance of developing testicular CA

small hard lumps on anterior or lateral aspect of testis

may indicate malignancy & requires referral to the physician

chlorthiazide sodium (diuril)

associated w/ impotence, decreased libido & difficulty in gaining & sustaining an erection

premenstrual syndrome

generally dx after 2 months of recording symptoms in a menstrual log. caffein, high-fat foods & refined sugars may increase symptoms

prolapsed uterus

uterus works its way down the vaginal canal & even appears outside the vaginal orifice | aggravated by coughing, lifting heavy objects or standing for long periods of time

1 way to increase change of pregnancy immediately after intercourse

elevate woman's hips for 20-30 mins after intercourse to limit leakage of sperm & allow seminal fluid to liquify & direct the sperm toward the egg

vaginal sponge

has spermicide built in that is activated by moistening the sponge w/ water before use. can be left in place for 24 hrs & allows for multiple acts of intercourse

abruptio placenta

(premature separation of placenta) frequently results in fetal death. common reason for disseminated intravascular coagulation is prolonged retention of dead fetus

phenylkentonuria test (PKU)

best to obtain blood from newborn after 72 hrs of life. early specimens tend to produce false positives for some inborn errors of metabolism

physiologic jaundice

normally occurs 24 hrs after birth. early jaundice indicates ABO or Rh incompatibility btwn mother & neonate & should be reported immediately

how to assess sucking reflex

feeling strength of suck is most effective method

urinary output (postpartum)

should increase in first 24 hrs so urine would not be concentrated.urinary specific gravity: 1.005 - 1.030

mother on drugs

most drugs cross into the breast to some degree

stool (while breast fed)

yellow stool is normal | hard, dry stool: infant is dehydrated | orange or green stool may indicate intestinal infection

chlamydia present at time of vaginal birth

5%-20% exposed infants will develop pneumonia w/in first 3 months of life

changes once newborn enters extrauterine life

respiratory & cardiac system undergo the most rapid change to support extrauterine life. developmental reflexes should be present & disappear by 10 months


hep B: can be given from birth - 2 mnths | polio: first given at 2 mnths | haemophilus influenzae type b: first given at 2 mnths | mmr: first given at 12-18 mnths

newborn sinus arrhythmia

(irregular heart rate) normal & abdominal breathing

newborn ubmilical cord

keep umbilical cord free from wetness or urine to promote natural drying & drop-off of cord over 10-14 days

eye prophylaxis

admin shortlyafter birth & can cause swelling, inflammation & discharge in first 48 hrs. parents should observe for ophthalmia neonatorum starting 3 days after birth

premature (characteristics)

barely visible areolae | scrotum free of rugae is normal (of concern in term newborn) | the more lanugo & less breast tissue, the more preterm

post-term (characteristics)

cracked, parchment-like skin


women should not become pregnant for 3 months after vaccination. should be done after birth to avoid viral infection to fetus

nonstress test (NST)

purpose to identify the compromised fetus & is not indicative of reediness of fetus to be delivered | reactive: fetal heart rate accelerations in response to fetal activity indicating intact central & autonomic nervous system | nonreactive: fetus is experiencing uteroplacental insufficiency. also if fetal age is less than 32 wks due to CNS immaturity

uterus pressing on vena cava

dizziness can be caused, this decreases blood to the R atrium. tx: lay pt on L side shifts wt off vena cava

L/S (lecithin/sphingomyelin) ratio

1:1 - lungs are immature | 2:1 - fetal lung maturity | amniotic fluid is used to test L/S ratio & can't be done if membranes have ruptured

epidural black (contra)

allergy to specific class of local anesthetic agents

bloody show

occurs when cervix begins to dilate & efface (sign of impending labor)

fetal presentation

breech occurs in up to 4% of births | brow least common | shoulder (transverse lie) occurs in 1 out of q 300 term births | vertex (head-first) occurs in about 97% of all births, MOST COMMON

vertex presentation

fetal head has a larger contact point in the posterior position & presses on the sacral nerve, causing intense back pain & pressure

shorten 2nd stage of labor

studies have shown that active breathing & vocalization can help shorten second stage of labor. focus on breathing rather than urged to push or bare down if woman is not yet 10 cm dilated

fetal monitors allow...

women to assume position of greatest comfort

late decelarations

ominous sign & require intervention. associated w/ fetal hypoxia

functional murmurs

may be heard during transition from fetal to newborn circulation

presenting part not engage when ROM

umbilical cord may prolapse resulting in cord compression which is a medical emergency


indicated by lightheadedness & tingling lips w/ a resulting over-concentration of 02 in the body. have pt cup hand over face & breathe in & out which is a simple remedy that causes rebreathing of CO2

congenital anomalies (dx)

can be visualized at 18-20 wks gestation through ultrasound screening b/c fetal structures have completed development

congenital anomalies (nursing intervention)

nurse would emphasize child's abilities rather than disabilities. identify need for counseling & referral & not make any conclusions.parents should be given clear/simple explanations & advice w/ opportunity to ask questions. information & options should be provided before any formal decisions are made

goal for neurogenic bladder

preserve renal function

neonatal abstinence syndrome

twitching of extremities & irritability (b/c mother took addictive drugs & baby is experiencing withdrawal symptoms

tracheoesophageal fistula

high-pitched cry & cyanosis w/ feeding

myelomeningocele & intracranial infections

increase head circumference & bulging fontanelles

cerebral palsy

neuromuscular impairments like purposes, uncontrollable mvmnts of the face & extremities along w/ difficulty w/ fine & gross motor skills make it difficult to take in sufficient calories by mouth & has negative impact on nutritional status | muscle tone & posture are abnormal in child w/ spastic cerebral palsy. many reflexes that can usually be expected to disappear in 1st yr of life will persist in these children

mental retardation (IQ)

IQ 50-75: mild mental retardation | IQ 35-55: mod mental retardation | IQ 20-40 severe mental retardation

focus on child's routine

pyloric stenosis

palpable, olive-shaped epigastric mass. hypertrophy & hyperplasia causes constriction of pyloric muscle & obstruction of gastric outlet

galactosemia (tx)

tx: eliminating all milk & lactose containing foods, including breast milk

developmental dysplasia of the hip

clear indicator is limited abduction of the affected hip

abdominal distention

occurs in both celiac disease & cystic fibrosis reflecting malnutrition from poor absorption of nutrients

tetralogy of fallot

infant distress form anoxia: knee

knee-chest position allows more blood flow to pulmonary artery by reducing return from legs & increasing vascular resistance

aorta overrides asd, pulmonary stenosis, R ventricle hypertrophy & vsd | infant distress form anoxia: knee-chest position allows more blood flow to pulmonary artery by reducing return from legs & increasing vascular resistance | bluish skin during crying & feeding, clubbing


classic indicator is rib hump & flank assymetry

2 year old

goes upstairs placing both fee on each step | throws ball overhead

4 year old

can stand on one foot for 2 seconds | jump off bottom step

fetal cirrculation

placenta > ductus venosus > inferior vena cava > R atrium > foramen ovale > left atrium > left ventricle > aorta > head, upper extremities & lower extremities > superior vena cava, R atrium & right ventricle, pulmonary artery > ductus arteriosus > descending aorta > remaining blood flows to pulmonary circulation to support lung development > pulmonary vein > L atrium > L ventricle > aorta > placenta

fetal hemoglobin

has lower oxygen content that that of the adult. low PO2 lvl keeps ductus arteriosus open & pulmonary vascular bed constricted

solid foods

should be introduced @ least 4 months


begins 4-7 months (increased drooling, irritability, desire to chew on objects, crying episodes, disrupted sleeping & eating patterns)


infant: solitary play

toddler: parallel play

preschooler: associative play

school-age & adolescent: cooperative play


transitional time marked by declining ovarian function & decreased hormone production & ends w/ cessation of postmenopausal symptoms


refers to last menstrual period & can be dated w/ certainty only 1 year after menstruation ceases | s/s: night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness | HRT is contra

pelvic floor dysfunction

pelvic muscles atrophy after menopause b/c weak & unable to support pelvic structures & organs


bladder herniates into vagina. s/s: dysuria, incontinence & dyspareunia


muscles behind vagina are damaged cause rectum to press into vagina


muscle damage occurs in higher location in the colon. s/s of both: constipation, difficulty in completing a bm, & dyspareunia

menopausal period

postmenopausal: life after menopause

perimenopause: period of time around menopause

climacteric: period of menopausal transition


follicle-stimulating hormone: stimulates estrogen production & ovulation

fetal heart rate (best heard)

cephalic presentation: below maternal umbilicus

roa: R lower quad

breech: above maternal umbilicus

lsa: upper L quad

terbutaline SO4

maintains uterine activity


relaxes uterine muscles


w/in 72 hrs

Rh- mom & Rh + newborn


cervical softening to prepare for labor induction


return of reproductive organs to pre-pregnancy state

opiod analgesics

may cause bradycardia, tachycardia, hypotension & respiratory depression


relaxes smooth muscles. maintains uterine lining & prevents uterine contractions & helps prepare breast for lactation | raises body temp at ovulation

hirschsrpung's disease

no intestinal mobility, absence of ganglion cells | more males | newborns have delayed meconium passage | vomiting, distended abdomen | tx w/ fluids, enemas, decompressions & maybe surgery | nursing dx: risk fro injury r/t lack of intestinal motility

tracheoesophageal fistula

increased incidence in LBW infants

hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

one of the most common surgical disorders of early infancy | 5x more common in males


one of most frequent causes of intestinal obstruction in children | telescoping of one portion of intestine into another | "currant jelly" stools

atrial septal defect

abnormal opening between atria, allowing blood from higher-pressure L atrium to flow into lower-pressure R atrium | surgical dacron patch closure of mod - large defect

ventricular septal defect

occurs when ventricular septum fails to complete its formation between ventricles resulting in L-R shunt | s/s: respiratory distress, tachycardia, tachypnea, cyanosis | dx: chest x-ray showing cardiomegaly w/ large L atrium & ventricle | tx: pulmonary artery banding to prevent HF & permanent correction w/ a patch later when heart is larger. spontaneous closure is possible by age 3 | digoxin & diuretics may be used

congenital heart disease


^ pulmonary blood flow: asd, vsd, patent ducutus arteriosus, atrioventricular canal

obstruction to blood flow from ventricles: coarctation of aorta, aortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis


decreased pulmonary blood flow: tetralogy of fallot, tricuspid atresia

mixed blood flow: trasposition of great arteries, total anomalous pulmonary venous return, trucus arteriosus, hypoplastic L heart syndrome

atrioventricular canal defect

incomplete fusion of endocardial cushions | low asd that is continuous w/ high vsd & clefts of mitral & tricuspid valves creating large valve that allows bld to flow between all chambers

patent ductus arteriosus

resulting from failure of ductus (between aorta & pulmonary artery) to close causing shunting of blood to pulmonary artery | s/s: mild cyanosis, machinelike heart murmur, respiratory distress, tachycardia, tachypnea | dx: chest x-ray shows prominent pulmonary vasculature & enlargement of L ventricle & aorta | tx: ligation of patent ductus arteriosus

coarctation of the aorta

localized narrowing near insertion of the ductus arteriosus resulting in ^ pressure proximal to defect & decreased pressure distal to obstruction

aortic stenosis

narrowing or stricture of aortic valve causing decreased cardiac output | non-sx tx: dilations w/ balloon angioplasty

pulmonic stenosis

narrowing at entrance to pulmonary artery | pulmonary atresia is extreme form

tricuspid atresia

failure of tricuspid valve to develop

transposition of the great arteries

pulmonary artery leaves L ventricle & aorta exits from R ventricle


bulging fontanels | irritable, n/v | raise head of bead, O2


most common CA in infants

truncus arteriosus

failure of normal septation & division of the embryonic bulbar trunk into the pulmonary artery & aorta resultin gin a single vessel that overrides both ventricles

hypoplastic L heart syndrome

underdevelopment of the L side of the heart resulting in hypoplastic L ventricle & aortic atresia

near drowning
2nd cause of accidental death in children

neonatal meningitis

inflammation of the meninges due to bacterial invasion in the 1st 90 days of life | s/s: sepsis, CNS irritation (lethargy, seizure, vomiting, irritability, nuchal rigidity, bulging or full fontanelle), & cranial nerve abnormalities | dx: lumbar puncture | tx: antibiotics


inflammation of parenchyma of the brain/brain & spinal cord resulting from virus or foreign protein | s/s: fever, h/a, & altered mental status often accompanied by seizures or focal neurologic deficits | dx: requires CSF analysis & neuro-imaging | tx: supportive & sometimes antivirals
reye's syndrome

rare form of acute encephalopathy & fatty infiltration of the liver that tends to follow acute viral infections, particularly when salicylates are used | cause unknown | affects mitochondrial function causing disturbance in fatty acid & carnitine metabolism


viral encephalitis transmitted by saliva of infected bats & certain infected mammals | s/s: depression & fever followed by agitation, excessive salivation & hydrophobia | dx: serologic tests or biopsy | vaccination indicated for those at high risk for exposure | tx: wound care & passive & active immunoprophylaxis | almost universally fatal

seizure disorder

symptomatic (symtpom of a known cause)

febrile seizures

occur in children < 6 yrs w/ body temp > 38C & no previous afebrile seizures | tx: seizures more than 15 mins IV lorazepam & if persistent IV fosphenytoin


imbalance of CSF, either too much produced in ventricles of brain or inadequate absorption of CSF | ventriculoperitoneal shunts used for management, will transport CSF from ventricles of brain to peritoneal area for absorption | infection becomes HUGE issue | etiology: congenital (developed wrong or infection while in utero), acquired (neoplasm, hemorrhage, infection, meningitis | s/s: bulging fontanelles, increased ICP, h/a, vomiting, double vision, enlarged ventricles, enlarged skull, separation of sutures of the skill

Hypopituitarism (Pituitary Dwarfism)

in children typically results in abnormally slowgrowth and short stature with normal proportions usually due to pituitary tumor but may be idiopathic | dx: measurement of growth hormone levels, baseline & response to pharma stimuli

pituitary hyperfunction

gigantism & acromegaly are syndromes of excessive secretion of growth hormone almost always due to a pituitary adenoma gigantism later results in acromegaly | tx: removal or destruction of responsible adenoma

syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone section (siadh)

hypersecretion of ADH, vasopressin (^ in conditions especially infections, tumors & trauma of CVS) | directly r/t fluid retention & hypotonicity which causes kidneys to reabsorb h2o ^ing fluid volume & decreasing serum osmolality | s/s: primarily neurologic, h/a, confusion & stupor. seizure & coma may occur | tx: restrict h2o intake & promoting it's loss, replacing any Na deficit & TXing cause


in infants & young children may be congenital or neonatal | most fx cause is dysgenesis, either absence or underdevelopment of thyroid gland | rare in US but common in certain developing countries | hypothyroidism results from maternal iodine deficiency | s/s: endemic cretinism, mental retardation & spasticity | unTXed usually slows CNS development mod-severely & may be accompanied by low muscle tone, prolong hyperbilirubinemia, umbilical hernia, respiratory distress, macroglossia, large fontanelles, poor feeding & hoarse crying | delayed dx & tx of severe hypothyroidism can lead to mental retardation & short stature | most cases require lifelong thyroid hormone replacement

congenital goiter

diffuse or nodular enlargement of the thyroid gland present at birth | dx: confirming thyroid size w/ ultrasonography | tx: thyroid hormone replacement when hypothyroidism is the cause. surgery indicated when breathing or swallowing is impaired

lymphocytic thyroiditis

chronic autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid w/ lymphocytic infiltration | s/s: painless thyroid enlargement & symptoms of hypothyroidism (endemic cretinism, mental retardation & spasticity)

candida (vaginal discharge)

itching, irritation; yeast odor or none; thick curdlike, white in color

bacterial vaginosis (vaginal discharge)

fishy odor, often noticed post intercourse, thin/gray or yellow color

trichomonas (vaginal discharge)

irritation/odor; malodorous, copious, often frothy/yellow green color

atrophic (vaginal discharge)

vulvar or vaginal dryness; occasional mild malodor; usually scant & mucoi/may be blood tinged

perineal pruritus

common symptom in older women & should be evaluated to r/o diabetes or malignancy. may also indicated vulvar dystrophy which may need biopsy to r/o CA

dilation & curettage (D&C)

endometrium is scraped w/ a curette to control abnormal uterine bleeding | therapeutic measure for incomplete abortion


period extending form 1st signs of menopause to beyond cessation | s/s: hot flashes, vaginal dryness & irregular menses


prolonged or excessive bleeding in early life, maybe d/t endocrine disturbance, later in life d/t inflammatory disturbances, tumors or hormonal imbalance


bleeding between regular menstrual periods | may be sign of CA, benign tumors or uterus or other BYN problems


heavy vaginal bleeding between & during periods

postmenopausal bleeding

bleeding 1 year after menses ceases must be investigated | endometrial biopsy or d&c is indicated


IM long acting progestin | q 3 months | inhibits ovulation & provides reliable & convenient contraception | can be used by those lactating, w/ HTN, liver disease, migraine, heart disease & hemoglobinopathies

intrauterine device

small plastic, usually t-shaped | inserted into uterus | prevents conception by creating a local inflammatory reaction | copper bearing paraguard is effective for 8 yrs (has an anti-spermatic effect)

emergency contraceptives

estrogen-progestin - not more than 72 hrs after

postcoital intrauterine device - insert no later than 5 days after

abortion - 5-6 months

retrograde ejaculation

when semen enters bladder instead of emerging through penis | not harmful but can cause infertility | tx: for purpose of restoring fertility


inflammation of vulva | diabetes, dermatologic, poor hygiene, stds


intense burning & inflammation, may be r/t & levels of Ca Oxalate crystals in urine


occurs when candida, trichomonas, or other bacteria invade vagina


fungal or yeast infection | pregnancy may trigger | tx: monistat, mycostatin, gyne-lotrimin, terazol creams, diflucan oral

bacterial vaginosis

overgrowth of bacteria normally found in vagina | tx: flagyl (metronidozole), cleocin


flagellated protozoan std | asymptomatic carrier may harbor in the urogenital tract


form of e-coli, staph, strep, trichomoniasis

human papillomavirus (hpv)

some strains associated w/ cervical abnormalities, dysplasia & CA

toxic shock syndrome (tss)

staphylococcus aureus enters the bloodstream | tampon

chlamydia & gonorrhea

often co-exist | may cause PID & sterility

pelvic inflammatory disease (pid)

inflammatory condition of pelvic cavity usually caused by bacteria but may be attributed to virus, fungus or parasite | usually caused by chlamydia & gonorrhea

vulvar cysts (bartholin's cyst)

most common tumor, may be asymptomatic | skene's duct cysts may result in dyspareunia, altered urinary stream & dysuria

vulvar dystrophy

found in older women | causes dry thickened skin or whitish papules, fissures or macules

fibroids (leiomyomas & myomas)

myomatous tumors almost always benign


inflammation of prostate gland caused by infection, stricture or hyperplasia


congenital condition - undescended testes


inflammation of testses cause by pyogenic, viral, spirochete, parastic, traumatic, chemical, or unkown


infection usually descends from infected prostate or UTI or complication of std

testicular CA

common CA in 15-35, 35 times more greater in cryptochidism or prenatal exposure to DES


collection of fluid in tunica vaginalis of testis
| may occur in spermatic cord


foreskin constricted | cannot be retracted occurs congenitally or from inflammation & edema


uncontrolled, persistent erection occurring from either neural or vascular causes

peyronie's disease

buildup of fibrous plaques in sheath of corpus cavernosum causing curvature of erect penis

urethral stricture

section of urethra is narrowed, congenital or from scarring | tx: dilation or removal

pre-menstrual syndrome (pms)

may be caused by ^ estrogen & decreased progestrerone during luteal phase | increase intake of magnesium

post-menopausal women should increase dietary intake of what?


norplant (common se & advantage)

irregular bleeding | allows coitus independence (sex at will)

most common location of ectopic pregnancy

fallopian tubes

ICSI (forced fertilization)

injecting a sperm into an oocyte


spermatozoa develop at puberty under the influence of hormones

part of uterus above insertion of fallopian tubes


where fertilization occurs



should be schedule q yr after age 50

prep for pap smear

no douching for 24 hrs before test

low estrogen r/t heart disease

alters HDL levels


pain during ovulation

order hormone levels increase during menstrual cycle

gonadotropin-releaseing hormone | follicle-stimulating hormone | luteinizing hormone | progesterone

estrogen & progesterone before menstruation when pregnancy is not present

both levels drop & then menstruation follows


"thread" that is created when vaginal discharge is elastic & slippery at time of ovulation

how sperm travels through body during ejaculation

testes > epididymis > vas deferens > prostate > urethra

infertility increases risk of what in women

ovarian CA

in vitro, why pergonal (menotropins)

stimulates ovulation | if pt experiences abdominal bloating & dark urine client should be seen by infertility doctor asap | common se: mood swings & depression

in vitro (extra embryos)

preserved if individual/couple wishes to conceive again in the future

infertility in women (some causes/signs)

dyspareunia (may be symptom of STI or endometriosis), PID, & hirsutism (often have polycystic-ovarian syndrome

ferning capacity

used to evaluate whether cervical mucus contains enough estrogen to support sperm motility | there is sufficiant estrogen when evaluated under a microscope & practitioners observes "ferning" a fern like shape

postcoital test for infertitliy

female will undergo speculum exam when cervical mucus will be harvested | test is done 1-2 days prior to ovulation


to learn whether or not fallopian tubes are patent | x-ray

reciprocal translocation noted in genetic analysis

can result in infertility

nuchal fold scan

done either late in the 1st trimester or w/ the quad 2nd trimester screen | indicates baby may have down syndrome but definitive dx can only be made via genetic testing

uterine massage

enables immediate contraction of the uterus to prevent bleeding

levels of fundal decent

immediately following delivery nurse should palpate fundus halfway between umbilicus & symphysis pubis | 2 hrs postpartum fundus should be palpated at level of umbilicus | after first 12 hrs fundus should decrease 1 fingerbreath (1cm) per day | by 9th or 10th day fundus is not usually palpable

muslim tradition when child is first delivered

believed that the first sound baby should hear should be from the Koran | father chants song in Arabic while holding neonate as praise & supplication to Allah

return to pre-pregnancy weight

if wt gain was normal & not due to complications, she should return to pre-pregnancy wt by 6 weeks

cystic fibrosis

malabsorption syndrome (1 of the most common inherited): increased viscosity of mucous gland secretions causes ducts of pancreas to b/c blocked, pancreatic enzymes necessary for digestion & absorption of nutrients from reaching duodenum | adolescents have a more difficult time w/ chronic cough | those chronically colonized w/ common pathogens have lower survival | salty taste on skin, steatorrhea | simple activities that help stimulate mucus secretions & provide sense of well-being or increased self-esteem can help toddler attain goals of therapy | pancreatic enzymes are mixed w/ meals to ensure digestive enzymes are mixed w/ food in the duodenum, fat-soluble multivitamins, high protein diet, chest physiotherapy


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Erectile dysfunction (drugs)

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