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13 Cards in this Set

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1. Main reference: Heb6:1-8: what are the powers of the coming age described in Heb6:5? Please also include a reference.

Fulfilling Revelation (Rv21:6)write

Write 5 references and brief explanations regarding the contents from the prophecy until the 12 tribes are established.

Jer31:27 prophecy of sowing the seed —> Mt13:24 sowed the seed —> Rv14:14-16 harvest —> Rv7:1-8, Rv14:1-5 creation of the 12 tribes, the 144,000

3. In Rv21, there is the founding of a new kingdom through the work of re-creation (the first heaven and first earth passes away, a new heaven and new earth is created, God comes and heaven becomes a reality). Find and write two references from OT that prophesised about this work of new creation.

Jer31:22; Is65:17

4. In Mt24:7: two nations fight. Write what each nation is.

God’s kingdom, Jerusalem, devil’s kingdom, Babylon

5. In Mt8:11-12, it says people will come from the east and west and be seated in heaven but the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside where they will be gnashing their teeth.

Who are those that come from the east and west?

Who are the subjects of the kingdom who are thrown out?

1. Saints of the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel who have been harvested and sealed - Rv7

2. People of the tabernacle of spiritual Israel - Rv 6

6. In Mt24, who are the betrayers, destroyers, and saviour and what kind of person is the one who will receive salvation?

1. Betrayers: saints of Jerusalem, sun, moon, and stars that have fallen, those that turn away from the faith and hand people over to be captured, pastors and saints of Tabernacle Temple

2. Destroyers: pastor of babylon, abomination that causes desolation, beast with 7H + 10H

3. Saviour: one who gives the food at the proper time, one who overcomes, one who received and ate the book, promised pastor

4. Those who receive salvation: those who flee to the mountain, those who are harvested.

7. In Lk13:22-30, it is written there are people who will try to enter the narrow door but will not be able to. What kind of people are they?

Those who went out from SCJ (or those who belonged to the tribes) and tries to come in again

8. Wrote down 2 chapters from the four gospels, and 1 chapter in Revelation regarding God’s feast mentioned in Lk13:29

Mt22; Mt25; Rv19

9. What is the eternal gospel that a saint of SCJ must proclaim?

The fulfilment and the reality of Revelation

10. How do the work of Jesus at the time of First Coming and today, at the time of the Second coming differ?

Work at the first coming: work of sowing the seed

Work at the second coming: work if creating the 12 tribes by harvesting and sealing.

11. In Genesis 2, there is the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of god and evil, and in Revelation, there is the tree of life. Does the tree of the knowledge of good and evil exist in Revelation or not? If it does exist, what kind is it?

Exists, Babylon’s pastors

11. In Genesis 2, there is the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of god and evil, and in Revelation, there is the tree of life. Does the tree of the knowledge of good and evil exist in Revelation or not? If it does exist, what kind is it?

Exists, Babylon’s pastors

12. In Revelation, through whom is Jesus giving the food of life, and through whom does the devil give his food, the fruit of good and evil?

The one who overcomes

The prostitute, the 7 heads, and the 10 horns