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10 Cards in this Set

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1. Write the following three things. Shincheonji saints must do what kind of work like who and who?

1. What kind of work: NT

2. Who and who: God, Jesus

2. Write two things to be acknowledged as God’s sons and write two conditions to be able to enter into the KOH

1. God’s seed, peace

2. Being born again of water and holy spirit, being persecuted because of righteousness

3. In the four gospels, there is someone who curses and swears. Who is it?


4. How many kinds of pastors are there in the Bible?

4 kinds

5. When does the promised pastor appear and what does he testify?

When the prophecies are fulfilled, he testifies the things that have been fulfilled

6. When and how do the old era and the new era come about?

At the time of harvest, the old era comes to an end and the new era begins

7. Who are those who come from the east and west to sit at the table in the kingdom of heaven? Why were the sons of the kingdom thrown out into the darkness?

Those who are born of God’s seed, harvested and sealed.

Because of their betrayal

8. What are the bowls in the hands of the angels who are judging in Rv16?

Those who overcame in Rv12

9. From whom did the priests in Rv7 receive their testimony? What did they receive as a testimony?

They received all the chapters of Revelation from John

10. In what order (number) did the one who send the letters in Rv2 and 3 appear?
